1. Invocation. Lockhart Ministerial Alliance. 2. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flags. (Texas Pledge: Honor the Texas Flag; I pledge allegiance to thee, Texas, one state under God, one and indivisible). 3. Announcements. Items or comments from Court Members or Staff.
Citizens' Comments. At this time any person may speak to Commissioners Court if they have filled out a Caldwell County Commissioners Court Participation Form. Comments will be limited to four (4) minutes per person. No action will be taken on these items and no discussion will be had between the speaker(s) and members of the Court. The Court does retain the right to correct factual inaccuracies made by the speakers. (If longer than 30 minutes, then the balance of comments will continue as the last agenda item of the day).
Consent Agenda. (The following consent items may be acted upon in one motion. Any member of the Court may request that an item within the Consent Agenda be pulled for separate discussion and/or action). A. Approve payment of County invoices in the amount of $225,807.27. B. Approve payment of a donation to CAMPO in the amount of $1,130.00
Introduction of 4-H State Roundup Participants and recognize scholarship recipients by County Extension Agent, Julie Zimmerman
Discussion/Action regarding the burn ban for Caldwell County. Speaker: Judge Schawe/Martin Ritchey; Cost: None; Backup: None.
Discussion/Action to approve an agreement between the County Clerk's Office and IDocket.com to provide judicial information to the general public. Speaker: Judge Schawe/Carol Holcomb; Cost: None; Backup: 1.
Discussion/Action regarding selection of the employee group health insurance benefits plan. Speaker: Judge Schawe; Cost: TBD; Backup: 1.
Discussion/Action to consider adding the imposition of the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles Child Safety Fee pursuant to Section 502.403 of the Transportation Code. Fees collected must be used for school crossing guard services with any remaining funds to be used for child safety, health and nutrition programs. Speaker: Judge Schawe; Cost: None; Backup: 1.
Discussion/Action to authorize the county judge to sign the Memorandum of Understanding between Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Sen/ice and Caldwell County for the purpose of detailing the completion of deliverables under TCEQ Contract #582-16-60279, Plum Creek Watershed Protection Plan Implementation of Low Impact Development for the Caldwell County Justice Center. Speaker: Judge Schawe/Nick Dornak; Cost: None; Backup: 4.
Discussion/Action to move the office location of the'Treasurer's Office to the current location of the Human Resources office. Speaker: Commissioner Munoz; Cost: None; Backup: None.
Discussion/Action to approve the amended Rural Fire Protection Contract. Speaker: Judge Schawe/Martin Ritchey; Cost: None; Backup: 4.
Discussion/Action regarding paying legal fees to Allison, Bass & Magee, LLC concerning the 130 Environmental Park contested case hearing and open records requests. Speaker: Judge Schawe; Cost: TBD; Backup: 16.
Discussion/Action to further extend the period for final action on preliminary plat application of 130 Environmental Park as allowed by Section 3.4 (G) of the Caldwell County Development Ordinance. Speaker: Commissioner Roland/Kasi Miles; Cost: None; Backup: 2.
Discussion/Action to accept the tax bid on the mobile home situated at 163 Cozy Oak Path. Speaker: Judge Schawe; Cost: None; Backup: 7.
16. Budget Workshop regarding the proposed 2016-17 budget. Speaker: Judge Schawe; Backup: None. 17. Adjournment.
1. Invocation. Lockhart Ministerial Alliance. 2. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flags. (Texas Pledge: Honor the Texas Flag; I pledge allegiance to thee, Texas, one state under God, one and indivisible). 3. Announcements. Items or comments from Court Members or Staff.
Citizens' Comments. At this time any person may speak to Commissioners Court if they have filled out a Caldwell County Commissioners Court Participation Form. Comments will be limited to four (4) minutes per person. No action will be taken on these items and no discussion will be had between the speaker(s) and members of the Court. The Court does retain the right to correct factual inaccuracies made by the speakers. (If longer than 30 minutes, then the balance of comments will continue as the last agenda item of the day).
Consent Agenda. (The following consent items may be acted upon in one motion. Any member of the Court may request that an item within the Consent Agenda be pulled for separate discussion and/or action). A. Approve payment of County invoices in the amount of $225,807.27. B. Approve payment of a donation to CAMPO in the amount of $1,130.00
Introduction of 4-H State Roundup Participants and recognize scholarship recipients by County Extension Agent, Julie Zimmerman
Discussion/Action regarding the burn ban for Caldwell County. Speaker: Judge Schawe/Martin Ritchey; Cost: None; Backup: None.
Discussion/Action to approve an agreement between the County Clerk's Office and IDocket.com to provide judicial information to the general public. Speaker: Judge Schawe/Carol Holcomb; Cost: None; Backup: 1.
Discussion/Action regarding selection of the employee group health insurance benefits plan. Speaker: Judge Schawe; Cost: TBD; Backup: 1.
Discussion/Action to consider adding the imposition of the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles Child Safety Fee pursuant to Section 502.403 of the Transportation Code. Fees collected must be used for school crossing guard services with any remaining funds to be used for child safety, health and nutrition programs. Speaker: Judge Schawe; Cost: None; Backup: 1.
Discussion/Action to authorize the county judge to sign the Memorandum of Understanding between Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Sen/ice and Caldwell County for the purpose of detailing the completion of deliverables under TCEQ Contract #582-16-60279, Plum Creek Watershed Protection Plan Implementation of Low Impact Development for the Caldwell County Justice Center. Speaker: Judge Schawe/Nick Dornak; Cost: None; Backup: 4.
Discussion/Action to move the office location of the'Treasurer's Office to the current location of the Human Resources office. Speaker: Commissioner Munoz; Cost: None; Backup: None.
Discussion/Action to approve the amended Rural Fire Protection Contract. Speaker: Judge Schawe/Martin Ritchey; Cost: None; Backup: 4.
Discussion/Action regarding paying legal fees to Allison, Bass & Magee, LLC concerning the 130 Environmental Park contested case hearing and open records requests. Speaker: Judge Schawe; Cost: TBD; Backup: 16.
Discussion/Action to further extend the period for final action on preliminary plat application of 130 Environmental Park as allowed by Section 3.4 (G) of the Caldwell County Development Ordinance. Speaker: Commissioner Roland/Kasi Miles; Cost: None; Backup: 2.
Discussion/Action to accept the tax bid on the mobile home situated at 163 Cozy Oak Path. Speaker: Judge Schawe; Cost: None; Backup: 7.
16. Budget Workshop regarding the proposed 2016-17 budget. Speaker: Judge Schawe; Backup: None. 17. Adjournment.