Call Meeting to Order. Invocation. Lockhart Ministerial Alliance Pledge of Allegiance to the Flags. (Texas Pledpe: Honor the Texas Flag; 1 pledge allegiance to thee, Texas, one state under God, one and indivisible). Announcements, Items or comments from Court members or staff. Citizens' Comments. At this time any person may speak to Commissioners Court if they have filled out a Caldwell County Commissioners Court Participation Form. Comments will be limited to four (4) minutes per person. No action will be taken on these items and no discussion will be had between the speaker(s) and members of the Court. The Court does retain the right to correct factual inaccuracies made by the speakers. (If longer than 30 minutes, then the balance of comments will continue as the last agenda item of the day).
1. Approve payment of County invoices in the amount of $ 968,527.65. 2. Ratify re-occurring County payments in the amount of: A. $283,127.01 (Payroll). B. $ 32,650.36 (Utilities). 3. Accept the August 2017 Tax Collection Report submitted by the Caldwell County Appraisal District. 4. Accept and approve the Surety Bond for Donald LeClerc, Road Administrator, Bond # 62926227. 5. Approve Budget Amendment # 15 for the Constables Office, Precinct One from Line Item 001-4321-4810 to Line Item 001-4321-5310 to provide additional funding for the procurement of equipment (one body mic charger and one Wolfcam body camera) in the amount of $365.00.
Discussion/Action regarding the burn ban. Cost: None; Speaker: Judge Schavve/Martin Ritchey; Backup: None.
Discussion/Action regarding status update on Hurricane Harvey response and recovery: FEMA public assistance and FEMA individual assistance for Caldwell County and potential needs for special appropriations. Cost: TBD; Speaker: Judge Schawc/Martin Ritchey; Backup: None.
Discussion/Action to adopt Resolution 11-2017 Extending the Order of Local State of Disaster due to Hurricane Harvey. Cost: None; Speaker: Judge Schawc/Martin Ritchey; Backup: 1.
Discussion/Action regarding the renewal of the Interlocal Contract for Geographic Information System Data with the Capital Area Emergency Communications District. Cost: TBD; Speaker: Judge Schawe/Martin Ritchey; Backup: 17.
Discussion/Action regarding the renewal of the Interlocal Contract for Public Answering Point Maintenance, Equipment and Training with the Capital Area Emergency Communications District. Cost: TBD; Speaker: Judge Schawe/Martin Ritchey; Backup: 11
Discussion/Action to approve a Proclamation designating October 1-7, 2017 as National 4-H Week in Texas. Cost: None; Speaker: Judge Schawc/Elsie Lacey; Backup: 1.
Discussion/Action to approve a Proclamation designating October 9-15, 2017 Texas Extension Education Association Week in Caldwell County. Cost: None; Speaker: Judge Schawc/Elsie Lacey; Backup: 1.
Discussion/Action to award the bids for aggregate, asphalt materials, flexible base, fuel (regular unleaded and #2 diesel), oil & lubricants for the budget year 2017-2018. Cost: None; Speaker: Judge Sehawe/Donald LcClcrc; Backup: None.
Discussion/Action to designate the day of the week on which Commissioners Court shall convene in a regular term each month during the fiscal year as required by section 81.005(a) of the Local Government. Cost: None; Speaker: Judge Schawe; Backup: None.
Discussion/Action regarding the County's holiday schedule for the calendar year 2018. Cost: None; Speaker: Judge Schawe; Backup: 1.
Discussion/Action to consider rescheduling the December 25,2017 Commissioners Court due to the Christmas holiday. Cost: None; Speaker: Judge Schawe; Backup: None.
Discussion/Action to nominate new term candidates for the Caldwell County Appraisal District Board of Directors for the year 2018. Cost: None; Speaker: Judge Schawe; Backup: 3.
Discussion/Action regarding stop signs at the intersection of St. Joseph and School Street in Prairie Lea, Precinct Two. Cost: TBD; Speaker: Commissioner Moses; Backup: None.
Discussion/Action regarding the recommendations of the Host Agreement Committee in relation to a possible host agreement with Green Group Holdings. Cost: None; Speaker: Commissioner Haden; Backup: None.
Discussion/Action regarding the renewal of the contract for the depository institution. Cost: TBD; Speaker: Judge Schawe/Barbara Gonzales; Backup: 1.
Discussion/Action to approve the annual service contract with The Southwest Museum of Clocks and Watches for maintenance of the Seth Thomas tower clock in the courthouse. Cost: Not to exceed $1,750.00; Speaker: Judge Schawe; Backup: 1.
Discussion/Action to consider a supplemental payment to The Southwest Museum of Clocks & Watches for services rendered not covered under the general terms of the yearly Service Contract. Cost: $575.00; Speaker: Judge Schawe ; Backup: 1.
Discussion/Action concerning a variance request for Compostela Subdivision located on Williamson Road (CR 177) concerning the minimum ROW width requirement. Cost: None; Speaker: Commissioner Roland/Tracy Bratton/ Kasi Miles; Backup: 10.
Discussion/Action regarding the purchase of software and scanners for the Elections Office. Cost: TBD; Speaker: Judge Schawc/Pamela Ohlendorf; Backup: 1.
Discussion/Action regarding approval of the salaries, expenses or other allowances for elected county and precinct officials pursuant to §152.013(a) of the Local Government Code. Cost: TBD; Speaker: Judge Schawe; Backup: 1.
Discussion/Action to approve the 2017-2018 Caldwell County Proposed Budget as required by Section 111.008(a) of the Local Government Code. Pursuant to Section 111.008(b), the Commissioners Court may make any changes in the proposed budget that it considers warranted by the law and required by the interest of the taxpayers. NOTE: The vote to adopt the budget must be a roll call vote. Cost: TBD; Speaker: Judge Schawe; Backup: None.
Discussion/Action to consider adopting an order setting the tax rate of $0.7753 per $100.00 of assessed valuation for the fiscal year 2017-2018. The Tax Rate consists of two (2) components: Maintenance & Operations Tax Rate of 0.7103 approval and Debt Service Tax Rate of .0650 approval. NOTE: The vote to adopt the budget must be a roll call vote. Cost: TBD; Speaker: Judge Schawe; Backup: 1.
28. Executive Session pursuant to Sections 551.071 and 551.087 of the Texas Government Code: Consultation with counsel and deliberation regarding economic development negotiations associated with Project Clooney. Possible action may follow in open court. Cost: TBD; Speaker: Commissioner Thcriot; Backup: None. 29. Executive Session pursuant to Texas Government Code, Title 5, Subchapter D, Section 552.071 (Consultation with Attorney): Consultation with legal counsel concerning status of 130 Environmental Park, SOAH Docket NO. 582-15-2082; TCEQ Docket No. 2015-0069-MSW. Possible action may follow in open court. Cost: TBD; Speaker: Commissioner Haden; Backup: None. 30. Adjournment.
Call Meeting to Order. Invocation. Lockhart Ministerial Alliance Pledge of Allegiance to the Flags. (Texas Pledpe: Honor the Texas Flag; 1 pledge allegiance to thee, Texas, one state under God, one and indivisible). Announcements, Items or comments from Court members or staff. Citizens' Comments. At this time any person may speak to Commissioners Court if they have filled out a Caldwell County Commissioners Court Participation Form. Comments will be limited to four (4) minutes per person. No action will be taken on these items and no discussion will be had between the speaker(s) and members of the Court. The Court does retain the right to correct factual inaccuracies made by the speakers. (If longer than 30 minutes, then the balance of comments will continue as the last agenda item of the day).
1. Approve payment of County invoices in the amount of $ 968,527.65. 2. Ratify re-occurring County payments in the amount of: A. $283,127.01 (Payroll). B. $ 32,650.36 (Utilities). 3. Accept the August 2017 Tax Collection Report submitted by the Caldwell County Appraisal District. 4. Accept and approve the Surety Bond for Donald LeClerc, Road Administrator, Bond # 62926227. 5. Approve Budget Amendment # 15 for the Constables Office, Precinct One from Line Item 001-4321-4810 to Line Item 001-4321-5310 to provide additional funding for the procurement of equipment (one body mic charger and one Wolfcam body camera) in the amount of $365.00.
Discussion/Action regarding the burn ban. Cost: None; Speaker: Judge Schavve/Martin Ritchey; Backup: None.
Discussion/Action regarding status update on Hurricane Harvey response and recovery: FEMA public assistance and FEMA individual assistance for Caldwell County and potential needs for special appropriations. Cost: TBD; Speaker: Judge Schawc/Martin Ritchey; Backup: None.
Discussion/Action to adopt Resolution 11-2017 Extending the Order of Local State of Disaster due to Hurricane Harvey. Cost: None; Speaker: Judge Schawc/Martin Ritchey; Backup: 1.
Discussion/Action regarding the renewal of the Interlocal Contract for Geographic Information System Data with the Capital Area Emergency Communications District. Cost: TBD; Speaker: Judge Schawe/Martin Ritchey; Backup: 17.
Discussion/Action regarding the renewal of the Interlocal Contract for Public Answering Point Maintenance, Equipment and Training with the Capital Area Emergency Communications District. Cost: TBD; Speaker: Judge Schawe/Martin Ritchey; Backup: 11
Discussion/Action to approve a Proclamation designating October 1-7, 2017 as National 4-H Week in Texas. Cost: None; Speaker: Judge Schawc/Elsie Lacey; Backup: 1.
Discussion/Action to approve a Proclamation designating October 9-15, 2017 Texas Extension Education Association Week in Caldwell County. Cost: None; Speaker: Judge Schawc/Elsie Lacey; Backup: 1.
Discussion/Action to award the bids for aggregate, asphalt materials, flexible base, fuel (regular unleaded and #2 diesel), oil & lubricants for the budget year 2017-2018. Cost: None; Speaker: Judge Sehawe/Donald LcClcrc; Backup: None.
Discussion/Action to designate the day of the week on which Commissioners Court shall convene in a regular term each month during the fiscal year as required by section 81.005(a) of the Local Government. Cost: None; Speaker: Judge Schawe; Backup: None.
Discussion/Action regarding the County's holiday schedule for the calendar year 2018. Cost: None; Speaker: Judge Schawe; Backup: 1.
Discussion/Action to consider rescheduling the December 25,2017 Commissioners Court due to the Christmas holiday. Cost: None; Speaker: Judge Schawe; Backup: None.
Discussion/Action to nominate new term candidates for the Caldwell County Appraisal District Board of Directors for the year 2018. Cost: None; Speaker: Judge Schawe; Backup: 3.
Discussion/Action regarding stop signs at the intersection of St. Joseph and School Street in Prairie Lea, Precinct Two. Cost: TBD; Speaker: Commissioner Moses; Backup: None.
Discussion/Action regarding the recommendations of the Host Agreement Committee in relation to a possible host agreement with Green Group Holdings. Cost: None; Speaker: Commissioner Haden; Backup: None.
Discussion/Action regarding the renewal of the contract for the depository institution. Cost: TBD; Speaker: Judge Schawe/Barbara Gonzales; Backup: 1.
Discussion/Action to approve the annual service contract with The Southwest Museum of Clocks and Watches for maintenance of the Seth Thomas tower clock in the courthouse. Cost: Not to exceed $1,750.00; Speaker: Judge Schawe; Backup: 1.
Discussion/Action to consider a supplemental payment to The Southwest Museum of Clocks & Watches for services rendered not covered under the general terms of the yearly Service Contract. Cost: $575.00; Speaker: Judge Schawe ; Backup: 1.
Discussion/Action concerning a variance request for Compostela Subdivision located on Williamson Road (CR 177) concerning the minimum ROW width requirement. Cost: None; Speaker: Commissioner Roland/Tracy Bratton/ Kasi Miles; Backup: 10.
Discussion/Action regarding the purchase of software and scanners for the Elections Office. Cost: TBD; Speaker: Judge Schawc/Pamela Ohlendorf; Backup: 1.
Discussion/Action regarding approval of the salaries, expenses or other allowances for elected county and precinct officials pursuant to §152.013(a) of the Local Government Code. Cost: TBD; Speaker: Judge Schawe; Backup: 1.
Discussion/Action to approve the 2017-2018 Caldwell County Proposed Budget as required by Section 111.008(a) of the Local Government Code. Pursuant to Section 111.008(b), the Commissioners Court may make any changes in the proposed budget that it considers warranted by the law and required by the interest of the taxpayers. NOTE: The vote to adopt the budget must be a roll call vote. Cost: TBD; Speaker: Judge Schawe; Backup: None.
Discussion/Action to consider adopting an order setting the tax rate of $0.7753 per $100.00 of assessed valuation for the fiscal year 2017-2018. The Tax Rate consists of two (2) components: Maintenance & Operations Tax Rate of 0.7103 approval and Debt Service Tax Rate of .0650 approval. NOTE: The vote to adopt the budget must be a roll call vote. Cost: TBD; Speaker: Judge Schawe; Backup: 1.
28. Executive Session pursuant to Sections 551.071 and 551.087 of the Texas Government Code: Consultation with counsel and deliberation regarding economic development negotiations associated with Project Clooney. Possible action may follow in open court. Cost: TBD; Speaker: Commissioner Thcriot; Backup: None. 29. Executive Session pursuant to Texas Government Code, Title 5, Subchapter D, Section 552.071 (Consultation with Attorney): Consultation with legal counsel concerning status of 130 Environmental Park, SOAH Docket NO. 582-15-2082; TCEQ Docket No. 2015-0069-MSW. Possible action may follow in open court. Cost: TBD; Speaker: Commissioner Haden; Backup: None. 30. Adjournment.