Call Meeting to Order. Invocation. Lockhart Ministerial Alliance Pledge of Allegiance to the Flags. (Texas Pledge: Honor the Texas Flag; I pledge allegiance to thee, Texas, one state under God, one and indivisible). Announcements. Items or comments from Court members or staff. Citizens" Comments. At this time any person may speak to Commissioners Court if they have filled out a Caldwell County Commissioners Court Participation Form. Comments will be limited to four (4) minutes per person. No action will be taken on these items and no discussion will be had between the speakers) and members of the Court. The Court does retain the right to correct factual inaccuracies made by the speakers. (If longer than 30 minutes, then the balance of comments will continue as the last agenda item of the day).
CONSENT AGENDA. (The following consent items may be acted upon in one motion). 1. Approve payment of County invoices in the amount of $ 148,371.92. 2. Ratify re-occurring County payments in the amount of: A. $ 301,072.08 (Payroll) B. $ 126,430.24 (Texas Department of Motor Vehicle Fees collected from 11/13/17 -12/02/17). 3. Accept the Final Voting Results for the Election Caldwell County Appraisal District Board of Directors for the term January 01,2018 - December 31,2019.
Discussion/Action regarding the burn ban. Cost: None; Speaker: Judge Schawe/Martin Ritchey; Backup: None.
Discussion/Action to approve the nomination of Alton Williams as the Director of the Lulxng Foundation for a two-year term. Cost: None; Speaker: Judge Schawe/Julie Zimmerman; Backup: 1.
Discuss ion/Action to approve Resolution 01-2018 authorizing the filing of a grant application with the Capital Area Council of Governments (CAPCOG) for a regional solid waste grant. Cost: None; Speaker: Judge Schawe; Backup: 1.
Discussion/Action to reallocate $225,000 in Surface Transportation Block Group funding and 56,250 in Transportation Development Credits for the Luling Relief Route Alternative Analysis to the Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (CAMPO) and execute Resolution 02-2018 accordingly. Cost: None; Speaker: Judge Schawe; Backup: 1.
Discussion/Action to support Caldwell County's application for the FM 150 Extension/Yarrington Road Project in the 2019-2022 Project Call administered by the Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (CAMPO) and to certify Concession Funds received from SH-130 to support local match requirements for the project of no less than 21 percent and execute Resolution 03-2018 accordingly. Cost: None; Speaker: Commissioner Theriot; Backup: 1.
9. EXECUTIVE SESSION pursuant to Sections 552.071 and 552.072 of the Texas Government Code: consultation with counsel and deliberation regarding the purchase, exchange, or value of Right of Way along proposed FM 110 in Precinct 3. Possible action may follow in open court Cost: None; Speaker: Commissioner Theriot; Backup: None. 10. Adjournment.
Call Meeting to Order. Invocation. Lockhart Ministerial Alliance Pledge of Allegiance to the Flags. (Texas Pledge: Honor the Texas Flag; I pledge allegiance to thee, Texas, one state under God, one and indivisible). Announcements. Items or comments from Court members or staff. Citizens" Comments. At this time any person may speak to Commissioners Court if they have filled out a Caldwell County Commissioners Court Participation Form. Comments will be limited to four (4) minutes per person. No action will be taken on these items and no discussion will be had between the speakers) and members of the Court. The Court does retain the right to correct factual inaccuracies made by the speakers. (If longer than 30 minutes, then the balance of comments will continue as the last agenda item of the day).
CONSENT AGENDA. (The following consent items may be acted upon in one motion). 1. Approve payment of County invoices in the amount of $ 148,371.92. 2. Ratify re-occurring County payments in the amount of: A. $ 301,072.08 (Payroll) B. $ 126,430.24 (Texas Department of Motor Vehicle Fees collected from 11/13/17 -12/02/17). 3. Accept the Final Voting Results for the Election Caldwell County Appraisal District Board of Directors for the term January 01,2018 - December 31,2019.
Discussion/Action regarding the burn ban. Cost: None; Speaker: Judge Schawe/Martin Ritchey; Backup: None.
Discussion/Action to approve the nomination of Alton Williams as the Director of the Lulxng Foundation for a two-year term. Cost: None; Speaker: Judge Schawe/Julie Zimmerman; Backup: 1.
Discuss ion/Action to approve Resolution 01-2018 authorizing the filing of a grant application with the Capital Area Council of Governments (CAPCOG) for a regional solid waste grant. Cost: None; Speaker: Judge Schawe; Backup: 1.
Discussion/Action to reallocate $225,000 in Surface Transportation Block Group funding and 56,250 in Transportation Development Credits for the Luling Relief Route Alternative Analysis to the Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (CAMPO) and execute Resolution 02-2018 accordingly. Cost: None; Speaker: Judge Schawe; Backup: 1.
Discussion/Action to support Caldwell County's application for the FM 150 Extension/Yarrington Road Project in the 2019-2022 Project Call administered by the Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (CAMPO) and to certify Concession Funds received from SH-130 to support local match requirements for the project of no less than 21 percent and execute Resolution 03-2018 accordingly. Cost: None; Speaker: Commissioner Theriot; Backup: 1.
9. EXECUTIVE SESSION pursuant to Sections 552.071 and 552.072 of the Texas Government Code: consultation with counsel and deliberation regarding the purchase, exchange, or value of Right of Way along proposed FM 110 in Precinct 3. Possible action may follow in open court Cost: None; Speaker: Commissioner Theriot; Backup: None. 10. Adjournment.