Call Meeting to Order. Invocation. Lockhart Ministerial Alliance Pledge of Allegiance to the Flags. (Texas Pledge: Honor the Texas Flag; I pledge allegiance to thee, Texas, one state under God, one and indivisible). Announcements. Items or comments from Court members or staff. Citizens' Comments. At this time any person may speak to Commissioners Court if they have filled out a Caldwell County Commissioners Court Participation Form. Comments will be limited to four (4) minutes per person. No action will be taken on these items and no discussion will be had between the speaker(s) and members of the Court. The Court does retain the right to correct factual inaccuracies made by the speakers. (If longer than 30 minutes, then the balance of comments will continue as the last agenda item of the day).
1. Approve payment of County invoices in the amount of$ 313,895.54. 2. Ratify re-occurring County payments in the amount of: A. $286,460.02 (Payrollfor 01/06/2019 - 01/25/2019); Backup: 21. B. $87,611.43 (Payroll Tax for 01/06/2019 - 01/25/2019); Backup: 1. C. $56,584.36 (Department of Motor Vehicle Fees); Backup: 1. 3. Accept Mandated Reporting submitted by the County Treasurer's Office: Backup: 6. A. 2018 Transmittal of Wage and Tax Statements: W-2 and W-3 timely filed. filings completed and B. $280.00 (Sexual Abuse/Substance Abuse Programs) C. $123,342.63 (State Criminal Costs & Fees) D. $18,572.95 (Civil Fees) E. $940.31 (Specialty Court Program Account) F. $6,165.71 (Electronic Filing System State Fund for Civil and Criminal 4. Accept and approve Certificate of Course Completion for the Texas Open Meetings Act that satisfies the legal requirements of Government Code, Section 551.005 and Texas Public Meetings Act that satisfies the legal requirements of Government Code, Section 552.012 for County Judge, Hoppy Haden; Backup: 2. 5. Accept and approve Certificate of Course Completion for the Texas Open Meetings Act that satisfies the legal requirements of Government Code, Section 551.005 and Texas Public Meetings Act that satisfies the legal requirements of Government Code, Section 552.012 for Commissioner, Precinct Two, Barbara Shelton; Backup: 2. 6. Accept and approve Certificate of Course Completion of the Texas Registered Election Official from the Election Center for Pamela Ohlendorf, Elections Administrator; Backup: 1. 7. Accept and approve Certificate of Course Completion of the Texas Registered Election Official from the Election Center for Mary Sanchez, Elections Clerk; Backup: 1. 8. Accept the December 2018 Tax Collection Report submitted by the Caldvvell County Appraisal District; Backup: 3. 9. Accept and approve the 2017 Audit Reports submitted by the Caldwell County Appraisal District; Backup: 35.
Discussion/Action regarding the burn ban. Cost: None; Speaker: Judge Haden / Carine Chalfoun; Backup: None.
Discussion/Action to approve a Proclamation declaring February 2019 as Black History Month. Cost: None; Speaker: Commissioner Roland; Backup: 1.
Discussion/Action to approve a donation to the Luling Lions Club for rental of flags for the Slater Building. Cost: $50.00; Speaker: Judge Haden; Backup: 2.
Discussion/Action to approve Resolution 07-2019 consenting to and supporting the conversion of Maxwell Water Supply Corporation to a Special Utility District operating under Chapter 65, Texas Water code; providing findings of fact; providing for open meeting; providing an effective date. Cost: None; Speaker: Commissioner Theriot; Backup: 2.
Discussion/Action to discuss and/or approve the wine and beer permit for Old Settler's Music Festival. Cost: None; Speaker: Judge Haden; Backup: 2.
Discussion/Action to approve the permit filed as Old Settler's Music Festival. Cost: None; Speaker: Judge Haden; Backup: 15.
Discussion/Action regarding approval of the Contract for the FM 150/Yarrington Road Project and Interlocal Agreement with the Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (CAMPO). Cost: None; Speaker: Commissioner Theriot; Backup: 21.
Discussion/Action to approve the applications of six (6) new members to the Child Welfare Board. Cost: None; Speaker: Commissioner Theriot; Backup: 1.
Discussion/Action to discuss Elected Officials' and Department Heads' procedures for position changes and wage changes. Cost: None; Speaker: Judge Haden; Backup: 4.
Discussion/Action to approve decreased budget line item 001-4310-1052 / Jailers in the amount of $50,000; and increasing budget line item(s) 001-4310-1150 / Overtime in the amount of $50,000, netting a $0 cost to General Fund. Cost: None; Speaker: Judge Haden; Backup: 1.
Discussion/Action to approve decreased budget line item(s) 001-4300-1033 / Dispatchers in the amount of $2,900; 001-4300-10341 Detectives in the amount of $12,000; 001-4300-1035 i Patrol Deputies in the amount of $59,322; and 001-4300-5310 / Machinery and Equipment in the amount of $5,100; and increasing budget line item{s) 001-4300-1031 / Captain in the amount of £59,322; and 001-4300-1150 / Overtime in the amount of $20,000, netting a $0 cost to General Fund. Cost: None; Speaker: Judge Haden; Backup: 1.
Discussion/Action to approve the request of property owners Roger Birt and Marsha Ruth Phelps for the County to abandon a portion of the Old Public Road located off of FM 1386, a County-owned Road. Cost: None; Speaker: Commissioner Shelton / The Law Office of Elizabeth Raxter and Linda Hinkle; Backup: 22.
Discussion/Action to discuss the City of Luling's request to have the Caldwell County Unit Road System (URS) help level the baseball field in Luling. Cost: None; Speaker: Judge Haden; Backup: None.
Discussion/Action to discuss the policies and procedures for Announcements made by County Staff during Commissioners Court. Cost: None; Speaker: Judge Haden; Backup: None
24. EXECUTIVE SESSION pursuant to Sections 551.071 and 551.074 of the Texas Government Code: consultation with counsel and deliberation regarding employment and duties of the County Court at Law Court Reporter. Possible action may follow in open court. Cost: TBD; Speaker: Judge Haden; Backup: None. 25. Adjournment.
Call Meeting to Order. Invocation. Lockhart Ministerial Alliance Pledge of Allegiance to the Flags. (Texas Pledge: Honor the Texas Flag; I pledge allegiance to thee, Texas, one state under God, one and indivisible). Announcements. Items or comments from Court members or staff. Citizens' Comments. At this time any person may speak to Commissioners Court if they have filled out a Caldwell County Commissioners Court Participation Form. Comments will be limited to four (4) minutes per person. No action will be taken on these items and no discussion will be had between the speaker(s) and members of the Court. The Court does retain the right to correct factual inaccuracies made by the speakers. (If longer than 30 minutes, then the balance of comments will continue as the last agenda item of the day).
1. Approve payment of County invoices in the amount of$ 313,895.54. 2. Ratify re-occurring County payments in the amount of: A. $286,460.02 (Payrollfor 01/06/2019 - 01/25/2019); Backup: 21. B. $87,611.43 (Payroll Tax for 01/06/2019 - 01/25/2019); Backup: 1. C. $56,584.36 (Department of Motor Vehicle Fees); Backup: 1. 3. Accept Mandated Reporting submitted by the County Treasurer's Office: Backup: 6. A. 2018 Transmittal of Wage and Tax Statements: W-2 and W-3 timely filed. filings completed and B. $280.00 (Sexual Abuse/Substance Abuse Programs) C. $123,342.63 (State Criminal Costs & Fees) D. $18,572.95 (Civil Fees) E. $940.31 (Specialty Court Program Account) F. $6,165.71 (Electronic Filing System State Fund for Civil and Criminal 4. Accept and approve Certificate of Course Completion for the Texas Open Meetings Act that satisfies the legal requirements of Government Code, Section 551.005 and Texas Public Meetings Act that satisfies the legal requirements of Government Code, Section 552.012 for County Judge, Hoppy Haden; Backup: 2. 5. Accept and approve Certificate of Course Completion for the Texas Open Meetings Act that satisfies the legal requirements of Government Code, Section 551.005 and Texas Public Meetings Act that satisfies the legal requirements of Government Code, Section 552.012 for Commissioner, Precinct Two, Barbara Shelton; Backup: 2. 6. Accept and approve Certificate of Course Completion of the Texas Registered Election Official from the Election Center for Pamela Ohlendorf, Elections Administrator; Backup: 1. 7. Accept and approve Certificate of Course Completion of the Texas Registered Election Official from the Election Center for Mary Sanchez, Elections Clerk; Backup: 1. 8. Accept the December 2018 Tax Collection Report submitted by the Caldvvell County Appraisal District; Backup: 3. 9. Accept and approve the 2017 Audit Reports submitted by the Caldwell County Appraisal District; Backup: 35.
Discussion/Action regarding the burn ban. Cost: None; Speaker: Judge Haden / Carine Chalfoun; Backup: None.
Discussion/Action to approve a Proclamation declaring February 2019 as Black History Month. Cost: None; Speaker: Commissioner Roland; Backup: 1.
Discussion/Action to approve a donation to the Luling Lions Club for rental of flags for the Slater Building. Cost: $50.00; Speaker: Judge Haden; Backup: 2.
Discussion/Action to approve Resolution 07-2019 consenting to and supporting the conversion of Maxwell Water Supply Corporation to a Special Utility District operating under Chapter 65, Texas Water code; providing findings of fact; providing for open meeting; providing an effective date. Cost: None; Speaker: Commissioner Theriot; Backup: 2.
Discussion/Action to discuss and/or approve the wine and beer permit for Old Settler's Music Festival. Cost: None; Speaker: Judge Haden; Backup: 2.
Discussion/Action to approve the permit filed as Old Settler's Music Festival. Cost: None; Speaker: Judge Haden; Backup: 15.
Discussion/Action regarding approval of the Contract for the FM 150/Yarrington Road Project and Interlocal Agreement with the Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (CAMPO). Cost: None; Speaker: Commissioner Theriot; Backup: 21.
Discussion/Action to approve the applications of six (6) new members to the Child Welfare Board. Cost: None; Speaker: Commissioner Theriot; Backup: 1.
Discussion/Action to discuss Elected Officials' and Department Heads' procedures for position changes and wage changes. Cost: None; Speaker: Judge Haden; Backup: 4.
Discussion/Action to approve decreased budget line item 001-4310-1052 / Jailers in the amount of $50,000; and increasing budget line item(s) 001-4310-1150 / Overtime in the amount of $50,000, netting a $0 cost to General Fund. Cost: None; Speaker: Judge Haden; Backup: 1.
Discussion/Action to approve decreased budget line item(s) 001-4300-1033 / Dispatchers in the amount of $2,900; 001-4300-10341 Detectives in the amount of $12,000; 001-4300-1035 i Patrol Deputies in the amount of $59,322; and 001-4300-5310 / Machinery and Equipment in the amount of $5,100; and increasing budget line item{s) 001-4300-1031 / Captain in the amount of £59,322; and 001-4300-1150 / Overtime in the amount of $20,000, netting a $0 cost to General Fund. Cost: None; Speaker: Judge Haden; Backup: 1.
Discussion/Action to approve the request of property owners Roger Birt and Marsha Ruth Phelps for the County to abandon a portion of the Old Public Road located off of FM 1386, a County-owned Road. Cost: None; Speaker: Commissioner Shelton / The Law Office of Elizabeth Raxter and Linda Hinkle; Backup: 22.
Discussion/Action to discuss the City of Luling's request to have the Caldwell County Unit Road System (URS) help level the baseball field in Luling. Cost: None; Speaker: Judge Haden; Backup: None.
Discussion/Action to discuss the policies and procedures for Announcements made by County Staff during Commissioners Court. Cost: None; Speaker: Judge Haden; Backup: None
24. EXECUTIVE SESSION pursuant to Sections 551.071 and 551.074 of the Texas Government Code: consultation with counsel and deliberation regarding employment and duties of the County Court at Law Court Reporter. Possible action may follow in open court. Cost: TBD; Speaker: Judge Haden; Backup: None. 25. Adjournment.