Call Meeting to Order. Invocation. Lockhart Ministerial Alliance Pledge of Allegiance to the Flags. (Texas Pledge: Honor the Texas Flag; I pledge allegiance to thee, Texas, one state under God, one and indivisible). Announcements. Items or comments from Court members or staff. Citizens' Comments. At this time any person may speak to Commissioners Court if they have filled out a Caldwell County Commissioners Court Participation Form. Comments will be limited to four (4) minutes per person. No action will be taken on these items and no discussion will be had between the speaker(s) and members of the Court. The Court does retain the right to correct factual inaccuracies made by the speakers. (If longer than 30 minutes, then the balance of comments will continue as the last agenda item of the day).
1. Approve payment of County invoices in the amount of $ 300,696.64; Backup: 26 2. Ratify re-occurring County payments in the amount of: A. $ 290,373.87 (Payroll for 02/17/2019 - 03/02/2019); Backup: 21 B. $ 87,816.47 (Payroll Tax for 02/17/2019-03/02/2019); Backup: 2 C. $154,259.90 (TAC BCBS March 2019); Backup: 4 D. $15,614.92 (Insurance Benefits March 2019); Backup: 5 3. To accept the February 2019 Tax Collection Report submitted by the Caldwell County Appraisal District.; Backup: 4 4. To accept CASA's Internal Revenue Service 501c3 designation letter and Financial Audit FY06/30718; Backup: 51 5. To approve Purchasing Agent's request to accept contract 18CCP02A amendment between Caldwell County Mowing Maintenance and Abescapc Landscape LLC. Backup: 11. 6. To accept the Caldwell County Budget Calendar FY2020. Backup: 2 7. To accept $60.00 donation for marriage services performed by County Judge; Backup: 1 8. To accept and pay Notary Bond #7213104 for Executive Assistant, Esmeralda Chan. Backup: 2 9. To approve the Budget Transfer/Amendment Request FY 2018-2019 for the Caldwell County Court at Law as reflected on Budget Amendment Form. Backup: 2 10. To approve Contract 18CCP04A Amendment for Signature on the GLO-CDBG Professional Engineer Services with Doucet & Associates. Backup: 49 11. To ratify the submission of a letter to the Economic Development Administration in regard to the Caldwell County EDA Application and Right-of-Way Match Commitment. Backup: 2
Digital Ambassador Grant from Microsoft and 4-H presentation to increase internet in Caldwell County. Speakers Elsie Lacy and 4-H Youth Mr. Eric Aguirre and Pre-Trial Bond Officer, Mr. Christopher Lindsey to present annual Pre- Trial Bond Report. Dan Gibson, City of Lockhart City Planner, to give presentation on proposed grant project for realignment of San Antonio Street and Commerce Street.
Discussion/Action regarding the burn ban. Cost: None; Speaker: Judge Haden / Carine Chalfoun; Backup: None.
Discussion/Action to approve budget amendment from Contingency 001-6510-4860 to Constable 4 Machinery and Equipment, 001 -4324-5310 for vehicle cameras and installation. Cost: $2644; Speaker: Commissioner Roland/ Constable Villearreal/ Barbara Gonzales; Backup: 4
Discussion/Action to approve increased revenue line item 002-3 000-03 00/FEMA Reimbursement in the amount of $413,895 and increasing budget line item 002-1101-3135/ Designated for Road Construction in the amount of $413,895 netting a $0 cost to Unit Road. Cost: None; Speaker: Dennis Engelke/ Barbara Gonzales/ Judge Haden; Backup: 5
Discussion/Action to accept public improvements in Sunrise Meadows Phase 2 for permanent county maintenance and to release the maintenance bond posted by Insurors Indemnity Company as security against damages or defected work for public improvements as provided by subsections 3.8.5 (G) and 3.8.5 (H) of the Caldwell County Development Ordinance. Cost: None; Speaker: Commissioner Roland/ Donald LeClerc; Backup:6
Discussion/Action to accept public improvements in Dale Oaks Subdivision for permanent county maintenance and to release the cashier's check in the amount of $27,399.68 remitted by A&S Construction Inc. as security against damages or defected work for public improvements in Dale Oaks Subdivision as provided by subsection 3.8.5 (G) and 3.8.5 (H) of the Caldwell County Development Ordinance. Cost: None; Speaker: Commissioner Roland/ Donald LeCIerxc; Backup:3
Discussion/Action to approve a no-cost extension of the Meadow Center's Professional Services Agreement for services to be rendered on behalf of the Caldwell County Criminal Justice Center TCEQ 319 Grant for water dissipation and parking lot enhancement project to coincide with the TCEQ project extension of February 29, 2020. Cost: None; Speaker Commissioner Westmoreland/Dennis Engelke; Backup: 16
Discussion/Action to approve the Interlocal Cooperation Contract pertaining to the Tobacco Enforcement Program between Texas State University (Texas School Safety Center) and the Caldwell County Constable's Office, Precinct 3. Cost: None; Speakers: Judge Haden/Dennis Engelke/Steve Kinney; Backup: 9
Discussion/Action to formally create the Caldwell County Grants Department and adopt proposed guidelines and policies. Cost: None; Speakers: Judge Haden/Dennis Engelke; Backup: 6
Discussion/Action to approve a resolution supporting the submission of an application to the Office of Attorney General for the "Other Victim Assistance Grant" (OVAG). Cost: None; Speakers: Judge Haden/Dennis Engelke; Backup: 2
Discussion/Action to enter into a contract with, LLC to grant access to District Clerks court docket data on the internet at no cost to the County. To provide a service to the public, especially attorneys and bondsmen. Speaker: Cost: None; Judge Haden/Tina Freeman; Backup: 2
Discussion/Action regarding the installation of gates on South East River Road near the Morrison Creek Crossing. Cost: $1,500; Speaker: Commissioner Theriot; Backup: 1
Discussion / Action to consider a variance request from the 5-year provision to be able to sell early due to a hardship on a recorded Family Land Grant that was recorded in August of 2015. Cost: None. Speaker: Commissioner Shelton / Kasi Miles. Backup: 19.
Discussion/Action to consider approval for the Walton Caldwell Valley "Lockhart Portion" Development Standards Agreement. Cost: None; Speaker: Commissioner Theriot/Kasi Miles; Backup: 35
Discussion / Action concerning approval of an Order authorizing the filing of a Final Plat (Short Form Procedure) for State Park Acres on State Park Road (FM20). Cost: None Speaker: Commissioner Theriot/ Kasi Miles Backup: 14
Discussion/Action to determine whether to reimburse property taxes for Fashion Glass and Mirror in the full amount of $14,689.13 or proration based on jobs created at $12,191.98. Cost: $14,689.13; Speaker: Judge Haden: Backup: 4
Discussion/Action to execute a Professional Services Agreement with EWEAC for consulting purposes including but not limited to economic development opportunities and infrastructure relating to public safety for a term commencing on 3/25/2019 and continue in effect until 12/31/2020. Cost: TBD; Speaker: Judge Haden; Backup: 7
28. EXECUTIVE SESSION pursuant to Sections 551.071 and 551.074 of the Texas Government Code: consultation with counsel and deliberation regarding employment and duties of the Executive Assistant - County Judge - Esmeralda Chan. Possible action may follow in open court. Cost: TBD; Speaker: Judge Haden; Backup: None 29. EXECUTIVE SESSION pursuant to Sections 551.071 and 551.074 of the Texas Government Code: consultation with counsel and deliberation regarding duties of Caldwell County Commissioner Pet. 2 - Barbara Shelton. Possible action may follow in open court Cost: None; Speaker: Judge Haden; Backup: None. 30. Adjournment
Call Meeting to Order. Invocation. Lockhart Ministerial Alliance Pledge of Allegiance to the Flags. (Texas Pledge: Honor the Texas Flag; I pledge allegiance to thee, Texas, one state under God, one and indivisible). Announcements. Items or comments from Court members or staff. Citizens' Comments. At this time any person may speak to Commissioners Court if they have filled out a Caldwell County Commissioners Court Participation Form. Comments will be limited to four (4) minutes per person. No action will be taken on these items and no discussion will be had between the speaker(s) and members of the Court. The Court does retain the right to correct factual inaccuracies made by the speakers. (If longer than 30 minutes, then the balance of comments will continue as the last agenda item of the day).
1. Approve payment of County invoices in the amount of $ 300,696.64; Backup: 26 2. Ratify re-occurring County payments in the amount of: A. $ 290,373.87 (Payroll for 02/17/2019 - 03/02/2019); Backup: 21 B. $ 87,816.47 (Payroll Tax for 02/17/2019-03/02/2019); Backup: 2 C. $154,259.90 (TAC BCBS March 2019); Backup: 4 D. $15,614.92 (Insurance Benefits March 2019); Backup: 5 3. To accept the February 2019 Tax Collection Report submitted by the Caldwell County Appraisal District.; Backup: 4 4. To accept CASA's Internal Revenue Service 501c3 designation letter and Financial Audit FY06/30718; Backup: 51 5. To approve Purchasing Agent's request to accept contract 18CCP02A amendment between Caldwell County Mowing Maintenance and Abescapc Landscape LLC. Backup: 11. 6. To accept the Caldwell County Budget Calendar FY2020. Backup: 2 7. To accept $60.00 donation for marriage services performed by County Judge; Backup: 1 8. To accept and pay Notary Bond #7213104 for Executive Assistant, Esmeralda Chan. Backup: 2 9. To approve the Budget Transfer/Amendment Request FY 2018-2019 for the Caldwell County Court at Law as reflected on Budget Amendment Form. Backup: 2 10. To approve Contract 18CCP04A Amendment for Signature on the GLO-CDBG Professional Engineer Services with Doucet & Associates. Backup: 49 11. To ratify the submission of a letter to the Economic Development Administration in regard to the Caldwell County EDA Application and Right-of-Way Match Commitment. Backup: 2
Digital Ambassador Grant from Microsoft and 4-H presentation to increase internet in Caldwell County. Speakers Elsie Lacy and 4-H Youth Mr. Eric Aguirre and Pre-Trial Bond Officer, Mr. Christopher Lindsey to present annual Pre- Trial Bond Report. Dan Gibson, City of Lockhart City Planner, to give presentation on proposed grant project for realignment of San Antonio Street and Commerce Street.
Discussion/Action regarding the burn ban. Cost: None; Speaker: Judge Haden / Carine Chalfoun; Backup: None.
Discussion/Action to approve budget amendment from Contingency 001-6510-4860 to Constable 4 Machinery and Equipment, 001 -4324-5310 for vehicle cameras and installation. Cost: $2644; Speaker: Commissioner Roland/ Constable Villearreal/ Barbara Gonzales; Backup: 4
Discussion/Action to approve increased revenue line item 002-3 000-03 00/FEMA Reimbursement in the amount of $413,895 and increasing budget line item 002-1101-3135/ Designated for Road Construction in the amount of $413,895 netting a $0 cost to Unit Road. Cost: None; Speaker: Dennis Engelke/ Barbara Gonzales/ Judge Haden; Backup: 5
Discussion/Action to accept public improvements in Sunrise Meadows Phase 2 for permanent county maintenance and to release the maintenance bond posted by Insurors Indemnity Company as security against damages or defected work for public improvements as provided by subsections 3.8.5 (G) and 3.8.5 (H) of the Caldwell County Development Ordinance. Cost: None; Speaker: Commissioner Roland/ Donald LeClerc; Backup:6
Discussion/Action to accept public improvements in Dale Oaks Subdivision for permanent county maintenance and to release the cashier's check in the amount of $27,399.68 remitted by A&S Construction Inc. as security against damages or defected work for public improvements in Dale Oaks Subdivision as provided by subsection 3.8.5 (G) and 3.8.5 (H) of the Caldwell County Development Ordinance. Cost: None; Speaker: Commissioner Roland/ Donald LeCIerxc; Backup:3
Discussion/Action to approve a no-cost extension of the Meadow Center's Professional Services Agreement for services to be rendered on behalf of the Caldwell County Criminal Justice Center TCEQ 319 Grant for water dissipation and parking lot enhancement project to coincide with the TCEQ project extension of February 29, 2020. Cost: None; Speaker Commissioner Westmoreland/Dennis Engelke; Backup: 16
Discussion/Action to approve the Interlocal Cooperation Contract pertaining to the Tobacco Enforcement Program between Texas State University (Texas School Safety Center) and the Caldwell County Constable's Office, Precinct 3. Cost: None; Speakers: Judge Haden/Dennis Engelke/Steve Kinney; Backup: 9
Discussion/Action to formally create the Caldwell County Grants Department and adopt proposed guidelines and policies. Cost: None; Speakers: Judge Haden/Dennis Engelke; Backup: 6
Discussion/Action to approve a resolution supporting the submission of an application to the Office of Attorney General for the "Other Victim Assistance Grant" (OVAG). Cost: None; Speakers: Judge Haden/Dennis Engelke; Backup: 2
Discussion/Action to enter into a contract with, LLC to grant access to District Clerks court docket data on the internet at no cost to the County. To provide a service to the public, especially attorneys and bondsmen. Speaker: Cost: None; Judge Haden/Tina Freeman; Backup: 2
Discussion/Action regarding the installation of gates on South East River Road near the Morrison Creek Crossing. Cost: $1,500; Speaker: Commissioner Theriot; Backup: 1
Discussion / Action to consider a variance request from the 5-year provision to be able to sell early due to a hardship on a recorded Family Land Grant that was recorded in August of 2015. Cost: None. Speaker: Commissioner Shelton / Kasi Miles. Backup: 19.
Discussion/Action to consider approval for the Walton Caldwell Valley "Lockhart Portion" Development Standards Agreement. Cost: None; Speaker: Commissioner Theriot/Kasi Miles; Backup: 35
Discussion / Action concerning approval of an Order authorizing the filing of a Final Plat (Short Form Procedure) for State Park Acres on State Park Road (FM20). Cost: None Speaker: Commissioner Theriot/ Kasi Miles Backup: 14
Discussion/Action to determine whether to reimburse property taxes for Fashion Glass and Mirror in the full amount of $14,689.13 or proration based on jobs created at $12,191.98. Cost: $14,689.13; Speaker: Judge Haden: Backup: 4
Discussion/Action to execute a Professional Services Agreement with EWEAC for consulting purposes including but not limited to economic development opportunities and infrastructure relating to public safety for a term commencing on 3/25/2019 and continue in effect until 12/31/2020. Cost: TBD; Speaker: Judge Haden; Backup: 7
28. EXECUTIVE SESSION pursuant to Sections 551.071 and 551.074 of the Texas Government Code: consultation with counsel and deliberation regarding employment and duties of the Executive Assistant - County Judge - Esmeralda Chan. Possible action may follow in open court. Cost: TBD; Speaker: Judge Haden; Backup: None 29. EXECUTIVE SESSION pursuant to Sections 551.071 and 551.074 of the Texas Government Code: consultation with counsel and deliberation regarding duties of Caldwell County Commissioner Pet. 2 - Barbara Shelton. Possible action may follow in open court Cost: None; Speaker: Judge Haden; Backup: None. 30. Adjournment