Call Meeting to Order Invocation. Pastor Bryan Willingham- Grace Lutheran Church Pledge of Allegiance to the Flags. (Texas Pledge; Honor the Texas Flag; I pledge allegiance to thee, Texas, one state under God, one and indivisible). Announcements. Items or comments from Court members or staff. Citizens' Comments. At this time any person may speak to Commissioners Court if they have filled out a Caldwell County Commissioners Court Participation Form. Comments will be limited to four (4) minutes per person. No action will be taken on these items and no discussion will be had between the speaker(s) and members of the Court. The Court does retain the right to correct factual inaccuracies made by the speakers. (If longer than 30 minutes, then the balance of comments will continue as the last agenda item of the day).
(The following consent items may be acted upon in one motion). 1. Approve payment of County invoices and County Purchase Orders in the amount of $1,035,386.66; Backup: 31 2. Ratify re-occurring County Payments: A. $316,899.73 (Payroll 11/10/2019-11/23/2019); Backup: 22 B. $96,260.94 (Payroll Tax 11/10/2019-11/23/2019); Backup: 2 3. To accept the October 2019 and November 2019 Indigent Burial Reports; Backup: 3 4. To accept the November 2019 Environmental Code Investigator Report from Mike Bittner; Backup; 3 5. To accept the November 2019 County Extension Agent report from Wayne Morse; Backup: 3
Discussion/Action regarding a variance request for Compostela Subdivision located on Williamson Road (CR 177) concerning the easement requirements under Appendix D.G of the Caldwell County Development Ordinance as it applies to the subdivision. Speaker: Commissioner RolandVKasi Miles/Tracy Bratton; Backup: 67; Cost: None
Discussion/Action to accept the changes made to the Caldwell County Development Ordinance as necessitated by the enactment of House Bill 3167. Speaker: Commissioner Theriot/ Tracy Bratton; Backup: 82; Cost: None
Discussion/Action regarding the burn ban. Speaker: Judge Haden / Carine Chalfoun; Backup: None; Cost: None
Discussion/Action to adopt an order prohibiting or restricting certain fireworks in the unincorporated areas of Caldwell as permitted by Texas Local Government Code, §352.051. Speaker: Judge Haden/ Carine Chalfoun; Backup: 3; Cost: None
Discussion/Action to appoint the primary voting and alternate members to the 2020 Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (CAMPO) Technical Advisory Committee (TAC). Speaker: Judge Haden; Backup: 5; Cost: None
Discussion/Action to approve Budget Amendment # 4 to update reimbursed revenue and Commissioners Court training line items. Speaker: Judge Haden/ Barbara Gonzales; Backup: 3; Cost: None.
Discussion/Action to ratify a Memorandum of Understanding between Caldwell County and Johnson Controls for the performance of a Technical Assessment in order to obtain a Business Case Analysis for Caldwell County for the development of a comprehensive facilities and infrastructure solution program. Speaker: Judge Haden; Backup: 3; Cost: None
Discussion/Action to request Commissioner Court approval for the purchase of IP Office Version Upgrade for IT Department in the amount of $50,073.72. Speaker: Mark Hinnenkamp/ Danie Blake/ Judge Haden; Backup: 3; Cost: $50,073.72
Discussion/Action regarding the budgeted cell phone stipend for Constable, Pct. 4, Art Villareal. Speaker: Art Villarreal / Judge Haden; Backup: 1; Cost: $420.00
Discussion/Action to approve the Fiscal Budgetary Personnel Policy. Speaker: Judge Haden/ Barbara Gonzales; Backup: 2; Cost: None
Discussion/Action to consider approving the creation of a Caldwell County Statement of Financial Goals and Policies. Speaker: Judge Haden/ Barbara Gonzales; Backup: 16; Cost: None
Discussion/Action to renew the Interlocal Agreement between Caldwell County and Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service for the Feral Hog Abatement Program, commencing October 1,2019 and terminating August 31, 2020. Speaker: Judge Haden/Dennis Engelke; Backup: 28; Cost: $20,000
Discussion/Action to consider appropriating $140,000 to support the construction of the permeable paver 36- vehicle parking lot extension at the Caldwell County Justice Center. Speaker; Judge Haden/ Dennis Engelke; Backup: 5; Cost: $140,000
Discussion/Action to seek approval of Resolution 05-2020 establishing the Caldwell County Community Services Foundation. Speaker: Judge Haden/ Dennis Engelke; Backup: 2; Cost: TBD
Discussion/Action to seek approval of Resolution 08-2020 supporting the submission of a Solid Waste Program Grant to CAPCOG. Speaker: Judge Haden/ Dennis Engelke; Backup: 2; Cost: None
Discussion/Action to approve the 2 year reappointments of Jerry Doyle, Donnie Graham, and Greg Pope to the Caldwell County Emergency Services District #4 Board. Speaker: Judge Haden; Backup: 2; Cost: None
Discussion/Action to approve Interlocal contract between the Department of Information Resources and Caldwell County relating to the use of the DER Shared Services Master Service Agreements. Speaker: Judge Haden; Backup: 20; Cost: TBD
21. Discussion/Action to adopt a county ordinance which would regulate thru traffic on Schuelke Road, Calder Road, Skyline Road, New County Road 179 aka Barth Road from FM 672 to FM 1185, New County Road 179 aka Homannville Trail from FM 1185 to US Hwy 183 and New County Road 177 aka Williamson Road from State Hwy 21 to US Hwy 183 for vehicles with 5 or more axles. Speaker: Commissioner Theriot/ Judge Haden; Backup: 5; Cost: None 24. Adjournment.
Call Meeting to Order Invocation. Pastor Bryan Willingham- Grace Lutheran Church Pledge of Allegiance to the Flags. (Texas Pledge; Honor the Texas Flag; I pledge allegiance to thee, Texas, one state under God, one and indivisible). Announcements. Items or comments from Court members or staff. Citizens' Comments. At this time any person may speak to Commissioners Court if they have filled out a Caldwell County Commissioners Court Participation Form. Comments will be limited to four (4) minutes per person. No action will be taken on these items and no discussion will be had between the speaker(s) and members of the Court. The Court does retain the right to correct factual inaccuracies made by the speakers. (If longer than 30 minutes, then the balance of comments will continue as the last agenda item of the day).
(The following consent items may be acted upon in one motion). 1. Approve payment of County invoices and County Purchase Orders in the amount of $1,035,386.66; Backup: 31 2. Ratify re-occurring County Payments: A. $316,899.73 (Payroll 11/10/2019-11/23/2019); Backup: 22 B. $96,260.94 (Payroll Tax 11/10/2019-11/23/2019); Backup: 2 3. To accept the October 2019 and November 2019 Indigent Burial Reports; Backup: 3 4. To accept the November 2019 Environmental Code Investigator Report from Mike Bittner; Backup; 3 5. To accept the November 2019 County Extension Agent report from Wayne Morse; Backup: 3
Discussion/Action regarding a variance request for Compostela Subdivision located on Williamson Road (CR 177) concerning the easement requirements under Appendix D.G of the Caldwell County Development Ordinance as it applies to the subdivision. Speaker: Commissioner RolandVKasi Miles/Tracy Bratton; Backup: 67; Cost: None
Discussion/Action to accept the changes made to the Caldwell County Development Ordinance as necessitated by the enactment of House Bill 3167. Speaker: Commissioner Theriot/ Tracy Bratton; Backup: 82; Cost: None
Discussion/Action regarding the burn ban. Speaker: Judge Haden / Carine Chalfoun; Backup: None; Cost: None
Discussion/Action to adopt an order prohibiting or restricting certain fireworks in the unincorporated areas of Caldwell as permitted by Texas Local Government Code, §352.051. Speaker: Judge Haden/ Carine Chalfoun; Backup: 3; Cost: None
Discussion/Action to appoint the primary voting and alternate members to the 2020 Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (CAMPO) Technical Advisory Committee (TAC). Speaker: Judge Haden; Backup: 5; Cost: None
Discussion/Action to approve Budget Amendment # 4 to update reimbursed revenue and Commissioners Court training line items. Speaker: Judge Haden/ Barbara Gonzales; Backup: 3; Cost: None.
Discussion/Action to ratify a Memorandum of Understanding between Caldwell County and Johnson Controls for the performance of a Technical Assessment in order to obtain a Business Case Analysis for Caldwell County for the development of a comprehensive facilities and infrastructure solution program. Speaker: Judge Haden; Backup: 3; Cost: None
Discussion/Action to request Commissioner Court approval for the purchase of IP Office Version Upgrade for IT Department in the amount of $50,073.72. Speaker: Mark Hinnenkamp/ Danie Blake/ Judge Haden; Backup: 3; Cost: $50,073.72
Discussion/Action regarding the budgeted cell phone stipend for Constable, Pct. 4, Art Villareal. Speaker: Art Villarreal / Judge Haden; Backup: 1; Cost: $420.00
Discussion/Action to approve the Fiscal Budgetary Personnel Policy. Speaker: Judge Haden/ Barbara Gonzales; Backup: 2; Cost: None
Discussion/Action to consider approving the creation of a Caldwell County Statement of Financial Goals and Policies. Speaker: Judge Haden/ Barbara Gonzales; Backup: 16; Cost: None
Discussion/Action to renew the Interlocal Agreement between Caldwell County and Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service for the Feral Hog Abatement Program, commencing October 1,2019 and terminating August 31, 2020. Speaker: Judge Haden/Dennis Engelke; Backup: 28; Cost: $20,000
Discussion/Action to consider appropriating $140,000 to support the construction of the permeable paver 36- vehicle parking lot extension at the Caldwell County Justice Center. Speaker; Judge Haden/ Dennis Engelke; Backup: 5; Cost: $140,000
Discussion/Action to seek approval of Resolution 05-2020 establishing the Caldwell County Community Services Foundation. Speaker: Judge Haden/ Dennis Engelke; Backup: 2; Cost: TBD
Discussion/Action to seek approval of Resolution 08-2020 supporting the submission of a Solid Waste Program Grant to CAPCOG. Speaker: Judge Haden/ Dennis Engelke; Backup: 2; Cost: None
Discussion/Action to approve the 2 year reappointments of Jerry Doyle, Donnie Graham, and Greg Pope to the Caldwell County Emergency Services District #4 Board. Speaker: Judge Haden; Backup: 2; Cost: None
Discussion/Action to approve Interlocal contract between the Department of Information Resources and Caldwell County relating to the use of the DER Shared Services Master Service Agreements. Speaker: Judge Haden; Backup: 20; Cost: TBD
21. Discussion/Action to adopt a county ordinance which would regulate thru traffic on Schuelke Road, Calder Road, Skyline Road, New County Road 179 aka Barth Road from FM 672 to FM 1185, New County Road 179 aka Homannville Trail from FM 1185 to US Hwy 183 and New County Road 177 aka Williamson Road from State Hwy 21 to US Hwy 183 for vehicles with 5 or more axles. Speaker: Commissioner Theriot/ Judge Haden; Backup: 5; Cost: None 24. Adjournment.