*A portion of this clip is without video* Call Meeting to Order Invocation. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flags. (Texas Pledge; Honor the Texas Flag; I pledge allegiance to thee, Texas, one state under God, one and indivisible). Announcements. Items or comments from Court members or staff. Citizens' Comments. At this time any person may speak to Commissioners Court if they have filled out a Caldwell County Commissioners Court Participation Form. Comments will be limited to four (4) minutes per person. No action will be taken on these items and no discussion will be had between the speaker(s) and members of the Court. The Court does retain the right to correct factual inaccuracies made by the speakers. (If longer than 30 minutes, then the balance of comments will continue as the last agenda item of the day).
(The following consent items may be acted upon in one motion). 1. Approve payment of County invoices and County Purchase Orders in the amount of $492,844.49; Backup: 33 2. Ratify re-occurring County Payments: A. $373,337.87 (Payroll 11/24/2019 -12/07/2019); Backup: 21 B. $114,756.26 (Payroll Tax 11/24/2019 -12/07/219); Backup: 2 3. To accept Darla Law - Tax Assessor Collector Continuing Education Transcript for the year 2019; Backup: 2 4. To accept the Elections of Caldwell County Appraisal District Board of Directors; Backup: 3 5. To ratify the check that was issued to Hanson Equipment Co. in the amount of $2,207.50 for Unit Road out of GL line item 002-1101-3130. Backup: 4 6. To accept the December 2019 Environmental Investigator Report/ Mike Bittner; Backup: 3 7. To introduce Aaron McCoy as the Caldwell County Extension Agent; Backup: 1 8. To approve the new bond #64979196 for Juanita Allen, District Clerk; Backup: 2 9. To approve the renewal bond #71738268 for Michael Bell, Constable, Pet. 3; Backup: 2 10. To approve the renewal bond #64467357 for Debra Flores, Chief Deputy County Clerk; Backup: 2 11. To approve the IRS lower mileage reimbursement to $0.575/miIe and employee reimbursement forms; Backup: 3 12. To accept the corrected November 2019 Indigent Burial Report and to accept the December 2019 Indigent Burial Report; Backup: 3
Discussion/Action regarding the burn ban. Speaker: Judge Haden / Carine Chalfoun; Backup: None; Cost: None
Discussion/Action to approve a donation request from the Caldwell County Children's Care-A Van Endowment. Speaker: Judge Haden / Paige Johnson; Backup: 12; Cost: TBD
Discussion/Action to consider passing the regulations concerning the permitting and operation of game rooms located in unincorporated areas in Caldwell County. Speaker; Judge Haden / Amanda Montgomery; Backup: 16; Cost: None
Discussion/Action regarding the County Property Boundary issue at 108 Brazos St., Lockhart, Texas. Speaker: Judge Haden / Deward Cummings; Backup: 6; Cost: None
Discussion/Action regarding the Luling Foundation Board nominees. Speaker: Judge Haden/ Wayne Morse / Gary Dickenson; Backup: 1; Cost: None
Discussion/Action to accept the nomination for the Caldwell County Community Services Foundation Board of Directors. Speaker: Judge Haden / Dennis Engelke; Backup: 2; Cost: None
Discussion/Action regarding the Old Settler's Music Festival mass gathering permit proceedings. Speaker: Judge Haden; Backup: 1; Cost: None
Discussion/Action to approve enrolling county employees in the State - Mandated Cybersecurity Training Course offered by Texas Association of Counties, which fulfills Texas Government Code § 2054.5191. Speaker: Judge Haden; Backup: 3; Cost: None
Discussion/Action to ratify a letter of support for the Las Estancias II Lift Station & Force Main and Plum Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant Expansion projects near Uhland, Texas. Speaker: Judge Haden; Backup: 2; Cost: None
Discussion/Action to approve a $20,000 2020 Census Grant Award provided by the United Way of Greater Austin to help with Caldwell County Complete County Committee activities. Speaker: Judge Haden / Dennis Engelke; Backup: 11; Cost: None
Discussion/Action to approve Resolution 09-2020 for the State Homeland Security Program Grant Resolution to the Office of the Governor to pursue funding to address pyro-terrorism activities. Speaker: Judge Haden / Dennis Engelke; Backup: 2; Cost: None
Discussion/Action to approve Budget Amendment #6 in reference to the Equipment approved for procurement on December 27, 2019 for the Capital Improvement / 013 Fund. Speaker: Judge Haden; Backup: 4; Cost: $766,111
Discussion/Action to approve Budget Amendment #7 in reference to an insurance check relating to the repairs for a 2017 Ford Explorer for Caldwell County Sheriffs Office. Speaker: Judge Haden / Captain Kuykendall; Backup: 6; Cost: Net 'Zero
Discussion/Action to approve Budget Amendment #8 to appropriate funds received for 2018 State Criminal Alien Assistance Program (SCAAP) in the estimated revenue and budget line items. Speaker: Judge Haden / Captain James Short; Backup: 2; Cost: Net Zero
Discussion/Action to approve Budget Amendment #9 for the Elections Office to pay an invoice received from Election System & Software System. Speaker: Judge Haden; Backup: 3;Cost: Net Zero
Discussion/Action to approve the invoice from Elections System and Software for services provided to the Elections Office. Speaker: Judge Haden / Pamela Ohlendorf; Backup: 2; Cost: None
Discussion/Action to approve Budget Amendment # 10 for reimbursement to Commissioners Court training Line Item. Speaker; Judge Haden; Backup: 3; Cost: Net Zero
Discussion/Action to approve funding of VSS Video Surveillance System for the Courthouse through the CO (Certificate of Obligation) funds. Speaker: Judge Haden / Danie Blake; Backup: 23; Cost: $68,842.94
Discussion/Action to approve Budget Amendment #11 to move money within Capital Improvements Project (CIP) funds to pay for video surveillance equipment. Speaker: Judge Haden / Barbara Gonzalez; Backup: 2; Cost: Net Zero
Discussion/Action to approve the renewal agreement between Alternative Dispute Resolution Services and Caldwell County for February 1,2020 through January 31,2021. Speaker: Judge Haden; Backup: 6; Cost: TBD
Discussion/Action to reschedule the February 11,2020 Commissioners Court meeting due to a training conference. Speaker: Judge Haden; Backup: 1; Cost: None
Discussion/Action to appoint Judge Pro Tern of the Commissioners Court for the calendar year 2020 per section 2.04 of the Caldwell County Commissioners Court Rules of Procedure, Conduct and Decorum. Speaker: Judge Haden; Backup: 2; Cost: None
Discussion/ Action to consider approval of the Preliminary Plat for Churchill Ranches Subdivision to include 20 lots on approximately 61.64 acres located on FM 20 and Seals Creek Road (CR 245). Speaker: Commissioner Theriot / Kasi Miles; Backup: 24; Cost: None
Discussion/Action concerning approval of an Order authorizing the filing of a Final Plat (Replat Procedure) for 2nd Amending plat of Natalie Acres, Section One located on Homannville Trail (CR 179). Speaker: Commissioner Roland / Kasi Miles; Backup: 21; Cost: None
Discussion/Action concerning approval of an Order authorizing the filing of a Final Plat (Short Form Procedure) for Bluebonnet Meadows located on Black Ankle Road (CR 109). Speaker: Commissioner Westmoreland / Kasi Miles; Backup: 24; Cost: None
Discussion / Action concerning approval of an Order authorizing the filing of a Final Plat (Short Form Procedure) for Pleasant Place located on Dale Lane (CR 294). Speaker: Commissioner Roland / Kasi Miles; Backup: 31; Cost: None
39. Discussion/Action to consider the approval of the Preliminary Plat for Willow Haven Subdivision to include 9 lots on approximately 18.94 acres located off Seawillow Road (CR 205) and Young Lane (CR 197). Speaker: Commissioner Westmoreland / Kasi Miles; Backup: 31; Cost: None 40. Adjournment.
*A portion of this clip is without video* Call Meeting to Order Invocation. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flags. (Texas Pledge; Honor the Texas Flag; I pledge allegiance to thee, Texas, one state under God, one and indivisible). Announcements. Items or comments from Court members or staff. Citizens' Comments. At this time any person may speak to Commissioners Court if they have filled out a Caldwell County Commissioners Court Participation Form. Comments will be limited to four (4) minutes per person. No action will be taken on these items and no discussion will be had between the speaker(s) and members of the Court. The Court does retain the right to correct factual inaccuracies made by the speakers. (If longer than 30 minutes, then the balance of comments will continue as the last agenda item of the day).
(The following consent items may be acted upon in one motion). 1. Approve payment of County invoices and County Purchase Orders in the amount of $492,844.49; Backup: 33 2. Ratify re-occurring County Payments: A. $373,337.87 (Payroll 11/24/2019 -12/07/2019); Backup: 21 B. $114,756.26 (Payroll Tax 11/24/2019 -12/07/219); Backup: 2 3. To accept Darla Law - Tax Assessor Collector Continuing Education Transcript for the year 2019; Backup: 2 4. To accept the Elections of Caldwell County Appraisal District Board of Directors; Backup: 3 5. To ratify the check that was issued to Hanson Equipment Co. in the amount of $2,207.50 for Unit Road out of GL line item 002-1101-3130. Backup: 4 6. To accept the December 2019 Environmental Investigator Report/ Mike Bittner; Backup: 3 7. To introduce Aaron McCoy as the Caldwell County Extension Agent; Backup: 1 8. To approve the new bond #64979196 for Juanita Allen, District Clerk; Backup: 2 9. To approve the renewal bond #71738268 for Michael Bell, Constable, Pet. 3; Backup: 2 10. To approve the renewal bond #64467357 for Debra Flores, Chief Deputy County Clerk; Backup: 2 11. To approve the IRS lower mileage reimbursement to $0.575/miIe and employee reimbursement forms; Backup: 3 12. To accept the corrected November 2019 Indigent Burial Report and to accept the December 2019 Indigent Burial Report; Backup: 3
Discussion/Action regarding the burn ban. Speaker: Judge Haden / Carine Chalfoun; Backup: None; Cost: None
Discussion/Action to approve a donation request from the Caldwell County Children's Care-A Van Endowment. Speaker: Judge Haden / Paige Johnson; Backup: 12; Cost: TBD
Discussion/Action to consider passing the regulations concerning the permitting and operation of game rooms located in unincorporated areas in Caldwell County. Speaker; Judge Haden / Amanda Montgomery; Backup: 16; Cost: None
Discussion/Action regarding the County Property Boundary issue at 108 Brazos St., Lockhart, Texas. Speaker: Judge Haden / Deward Cummings; Backup: 6; Cost: None
Discussion/Action regarding the Luling Foundation Board nominees. Speaker: Judge Haden/ Wayne Morse / Gary Dickenson; Backup: 1; Cost: None
Discussion/Action to accept the nomination for the Caldwell County Community Services Foundation Board of Directors. Speaker: Judge Haden / Dennis Engelke; Backup: 2; Cost: None
Discussion/Action regarding the Old Settler's Music Festival mass gathering permit proceedings. Speaker: Judge Haden; Backup: 1; Cost: None
Discussion/Action to approve enrolling county employees in the State - Mandated Cybersecurity Training Course offered by Texas Association of Counties, which fulfills Texas Government Code § 2054.5191. Speaker: Judge Haden; Backup: 3; Cost: None
Discussion/Action to ratify a letter of support for the Las Estancias II Lift Station & Force Main and Plum Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant Expansion projects near Uhland, Texas. Speaker: Judge Haden; Backup: 2; Cost: None
Discussion/Action to approve a $20,000 2020 Census Grant Award provided by the United Way of Greater Austin to help with Caldwell County Complete County Committee activities. Speaker: Judge Haden / Dennis Engelke; Backup: 11; Cost: None
Discussion/Action to approve Resolution 09-2020 for the State Homeland Security Program Grant Resolution to the Office of the Governor to pursue funding to address pyro-terrorism activities. Speaker: Judge Haden / Dennis Engelke; Backup: 2; Cost: None
Discussion/Action to approve Budget Amendment #6 in reference to the Equipment approved for procurement on December 27, 2019 for the Capital Improvement / 013 Fund. Speaker: Judge Haden; Backup: 4; Cost: $766,111
Discussion/Action to approve Budget Amendment #7 in reference to an insurance check relating to the repairs for a 2017 Ford Explorer for Caldwell County Sheriffs Office. Speaker: Judge Haden / Captain Kuykendall; Backup: 6; Cost: Net 'Zero
Discussion/Action to approve Budget Amendment #8 to appropriate funds received for 2018 State Criminal Alien Assistance Program (SCAAP) in the estimated revenue and budget line items. Speaker: Judge Haden / Captain James Short; Backup: 2; Cost: Net Zero
Discussion/Action to approve Budget Amendment #9 for the Elections Office to pay an invoice received from Election System & Software System. Speaker: Judge Haden; Backup: 3;Cost: Net Zero
Discussion/Action to approve the invoice from Elections System and Software for services provided to the Elections Office. Speaker: Judge Haden / Pamela Ohlendorf; Backup: 2; Cost: None
Discussion/Action to approve Budget Amendment # 10 for reimbursement to Commissioners Court training Line Item. Speaker; Judge Haden; Backup: 3; Cost: Net Zero
Discussion/Action to approve funding of VSS Video Surveillance System for the Courthouse through the CO (Certificate of Obligation) funds. Speaker: Judge Haden / Danie Blake; Backup: 23; Cost: $68,842.94
Discussion/Action to approve Budget Amendment #11 to move money within Capital Improvements Project (CIP) funds to pay for video surveillance equipment. Speaker: Judge Haden / Barbara Gonzalez; Backup: 2; Cost: Net Zero
Discussion/Action to approve the renewal agreement between Alternative Dispute Resolution Services and Caldwell County for February 1,2020 through January 31,2021. Speaker: Judge Haden; Backup: 6; Cost: TBD
Discussion/Action to reschedule the February 11,2020 Commissioners Court meeting due to a training conference. Speaker: Judge Haden; Backup: 1; Cost: None
Discussion/Action to appoint Judge Pro Tern of the Commissioners Court for the calendar year 2020 per section 2.04 of the Caldwell County Commissioners Court Rules of Procedure, Conduct and Decorum. Speaker: Judge Haden; Backup: 2; Cost: None
Discussion/ Action to consider approval of the Preliminary Plat for Churchill Ranches Subdivision to include 20 lots on approximately 61.64 acres located on FM 20 and Seals Creek Road (CR 245). Speaker: Commissioner Theriot / Kasi Miles; Backup: 24; Cost: None
Discussion/Action concerning approval of an Order authorizing the filing of a Final Plat (Replat Procedure) for 2nd Amending plat of Natalie Acres, Section One located on Homannville Trail (CR 179). Speaker: Commissioner Roland / Kasi Miles; Backup: 21; Cost: None
Discussion/Action concerning approval of an Order authorizing the filing of a Final Plat (Short Form Procedure) for Bluebonnet Meadows located on Black Ankle Road (CR 109). Speaker: Commissioner Westmoreland / Kasi Miles; Backup: 24; Cost: None
Discussion / Action concerning approval of an Order authorizing the filing of a Final Plat (Short Form Procedure) for Pleasant Place located on Dale Lane (CR 294). Speaker: Commissioner Roland / Kasi Miles; Backup: 31; Cost: None
39. Discussion/Action to consider the approval of the Preliminary Plat for Willow Haven Subdivision to include 9 lots on approximately 18.94 acres located off Seawillow Road (CR 205) and Young Lane (CR 197). Speaker: Commissioner Westmoreland / Kasi Miles; Backup: 31; Cost: None 40. Adjournment.