Call Meeting to Order Invocation. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flags. (Texas Pledge: Honor the Texas Flag; 1 pledge allegiance to thee, Texas, one state under God, one and indivisible). Announcements. Items or comments from Court members or staff. Citizens* Comments. At this time any person may speak to Commissioners Court if they have filled out a Caldwell County Commissioners Court Participation Form. Comments will be limited to four (4) minutes per person. No action will be taken on these items and no discussion will be had between the speaker(s) and members of the Court. The Court does retain the right to correct factual inaccuracies made by the speakers. (If longer than 30 minutes, then the balance of comments will continue as the last agenda item of the day).
CONSENT AGENDA. (The following consent items may be acted upon in one motion). 1. Approve payment of County invoices and County Purchase Orders in the amount of $564,978.53; Backup: 30 2. Ratify re-occurring County Payments A. $111,286.78 (DMV Remittance); Backup: 2 B. $93,356.94 Payroll Tax (1/5/2020 -1/18/2020) Backup: 2 C. $309,580.79 Payroll (1/5/2020 -1/18/2020); Backup: 21 3. To accept the quartile juror reimbursement payments; Backup: 7 4. To accept the January 2020 Environmental Investigator Report. Mike Bittner; Backup: 3 5. To accept the bond #64935119 for new Deputy District Clerk, Leslie Estrada; Backup : 2 6. To accept the January 2020 Indigent Burial Report; Backup; 3
Discussion/Action regarding the burn ban. Speaker: Judge Haden / Carine Chalfoun; Backup: None; Cost: None
Discussion/Action to approve the proclamation declaring February to be Dating Violence Awareness and Prevention Month for teens and young adults. Speaker: Judge Haden; Backup: 2; Cost: None
Discussion/Action to approve the Proclamation declaring February as “Fair Housing Month”. Speaker: Judge Haden/ Dennis Engelke; Backup: 2; Cost: None
Discussion/Action to approve Resolution 13-2020 authorizing signatories for the Texas General Land Office Buyout Grant 2CL066-012-C094. Speaker: Judge Haden/ Dennis Engelke; Backup: 2; Cost: None
Discussion/Action to approve Budget Amendment #14 to lower the salary of a position in which an experienced employee is leaving and increase the salary of two other county clerk employees. Speaker: Judge Haden/ Teresa Rodriguez/ Barbara Gonzales; Backup: 9; Cost: None
EXECUTIVE SESSION Pursuant to Section 551.074 of the Texas Government Code: consultation with counsel and deliberation regarding employment and duties two employees of the County Clerk’s office. Possible action may follow in open court. Speaker: Judge Haden/ JJ Wells; Backup: 1; Cost: None
Discussion/Action to approve Budget Amendment #15 to cover cost for Special Elections in May 2020. Speaker: Judge Haden/ Pamela Ohlendorf; Backup: 2; Cost: None
Discussion/Action to approve Budget Amendment #16 to receive United Way Census Grant and to allocate Feral Hog to matching funds — CHAMP Grant. Speaker: Judge Haden/ Dennis Engelke/ Barbara Gonzales; Backup: 11; Cost: None
Discussion/Action to approve RFP 20CCP01P for application development project management and grant administrative services for GLO-CDBG-MIT to include 2015, 2016, and Hurricane Harvey state mitigation competition grant programs. Speaker: Judge Haden/ Danie Blake; Backup: 41; Cost: None
Discussion/Action to approve the selection committee list for evaluation for the RFP 20CCP01P GLO-CDBG-MIT 2015, 2016, and Hurricane Harvey grant administrative services. Speaker: Judge Haden/ Danie Blake; Backup; 3; Cost: None
Discussion/Action to approve procurement RFP 20CCP02P for Grant Administrative services for the TxDOT Transportation Infrastructure Fund Grant. Speaker: Judge Haden/ Danie Blake; Backup: 19; Cost: None
Discussion/Action to approve the selection committee list for evaluation of the TxDOT transportation infrastructure Fund Grant administrative services on RFP 20CCP02P. Speaker: Judge Haden/ Danie Blake; Backup: 3; Cost: None
Discussion/Action to approve the procurement on final draft RFP 20CCP03P for Texas Water Development Board Grant for consullant/managcment services. Speaker: Judge Haden/ Danie Blake; Backup: 23; Cost: None
Discussion/Action to approve cf the selection committee list for evaluation of the RFP 20CCP03P Texas Water Development Board Grant for administrative services. Speaker: Judge Haden/ Danie Blake; Backup: 3; Cost: None
Discussion/Action to approve a donation to the Luling Lions Club from rental of Flags. Speaker: Judge Haden; Backup: 3; Cost: $50.00
Discussion/Action to approve the revised contract between the Texas Department of Public Safety and Caldwell County to accommodate Chapter 706 of the Texas Transportation Code. Speaker: Judge Haden/Barbara Gonzales; Backup: None; Cost: None
Discussion/Action to discuss adopting an order permitting the sale of fireworks during the Texas Independence Day period. Speaker: Judge Haden/ Carine Chalfoun; Backup: 3; Cost: None
Discussion/Action to discuss the Old Settler’s Music Festival mass gathering permit proceedings. Speaker: Judge Haden; Backup: 16; Cost: None
Discussion/Action to approve the reappointments for two Commissioners for Emergency Services District (ESD) #2. Speaker; Judge Haden/ Commissioner Theriot; Backup: 2; Cost: None
Discussion/Action to approve the Final Plat for Churchill Ranches Subdivision to include 20 lots on approximately 61.64 acres located on FM 20 and Seals Creek Road (CR 245). Speaker: Commissioner Theriot/ Kasi Miles; Backup: 27; Cost: None
26. EXECUTIVE SESSION Pursuant to section 551.087 of the Texas Government Code; consultation with counsel and deliberation regarding economic development negotiations associated with Project Cali. Possible action may follow in open court. Speaker: Judge Haden/ JJ Wells, Christian Duran; Backup: to be distributed; Cost: None 28. ADJOURNMENT
Call Meeting to Order Invocation. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flags. (Texas Pledge: Honor the Texas Flag; 1 pledge allegiance to thee, Texas, one state under God, one and indivisible). Announcements. Items or comments from Court members or staff. Citizens* Comments. At this time any person may speak to Commissioners Court if they have filled out a Caldwell County Commissioners Court Participation Form. Comments will be limited to four (4) minutes per person. No action will be taken on these items and no discussion will be had between the speaker(s) and members of the Court. The Court does retain the right to correct factual inaccuracies made by the speakers. (If longer than 30 minutes, then the balance of comments will continue as the last agenda item of the day).
CONSENT AGENDA. (The following consent items may be acted upon in one motion). 1. Approve payment of County invoices and County Purchase Orders in the amount of $564,978.53; Backup: 30 2. Ratify re-occurring County Payments A. $111,286.78 (DMV Remittance); Backup: 2 B. $93,356.94 Payroll Tax (1/5/2020 -1/18/2020) Backup: 2 C. $309,580.79 Payroll (1/5/2020 -1/18/2020); Backup: 21 3. To accept the quartile juror reimbursement payments; Backup: 7 4. To accept the January 2020 Environmental Investigator Report. Mike Bittner; Backup: 3 5. To accept the bond #64935119 for new Deputy District Clerk, Leslie Estrada; Backup : 2 6. To accept the January 2020 Indigent Burial Report; Backup; 3
Discussion/Action regarding the burn ban. Speaker: Judge Haden / Carine Chalfoun; Backup: None; Cost: None
Discussion/Action to approve the proclamation declaring February to be Dating Violence Awareness and Prevention Month for teens and young adults. Speaker: Judge Haden; Backup: 2; Cost: None
Discussion/Action to approve the Proclamation declaring February as “Fair Housing Month”. Speaker: Judge Haden/ Dennis Engelke; Backup: 2; Cost: None
Discussion/Action to approve Resolution 13-2020 authorizing signatories for the Texas General Land Office Buyout Grant 2CL066-012-C094. Speaker: Judge Haden/ Dennis Engelke; Backup: 2; Cost: None
Discussion/Action to approve Budget Amendment #14 to lower the salary of a position in which an experienced employee is leaving and increase the salary of two other county clerk employees. Speaker: Judge Haden/ Teresa Rodriguez/ Barbara Gonzales; Backup: 9; Cost: None
EXECUTIVE SESSION Pursuant to Section 551.074 of the Texas Government Code: consultation with counsel and deliberation regarding employment and duties two employees of the County Clerk’s office. Possible action may follow in open court. Speaker: Judge Haden/ JJ Wells; Backup: 1; Cost: None
Discussion/Action to approve Budget Amendment #15 to cover cost for Special Elections in May 2020. Speaker: Judge Haden/ Pamela Ohlendorf; Backup: 2; Cost: None
Discussion/Action to approve Budget Amendment #16 to receive United Way Census Grant and to allocate Feral Hog to matching funds — CHAMP Grant. Speaker: Judge Haden/ Dennis Engelke/ Barbara Gonzales; Backup: 11; Cost: None
Discussion/Action to approve RFP 20CCP01P for application development project management and grant administrative services for GLO-CDBG-MIT to include 2015, 2016, and Hurricane Harvey state mitigation competition grant programs. Speaker: Judge Haden/ Danie Blake; Backup: 41; Cost: None
Discussion/Action to approve the selection committee list for evaluation for the RFP 20CCP01P GLO-CDBG-MIT 2015, 2016, and Hurricane Harvey grant administrative services. Speaker: Judge Haden/ Danie Blake; Backup; 3; Cost: None
Discussion/Action to approve procurement RFP 20CCP02P for Grant Administrative services for the TxDOT Transportation Infrastructure Fund Grant. Speaker: Judge Haden/ Danie Blake; Backup: 19; Cost: None
Discussion/Action to approve the selection committee list for evaluation of the TxDOT transportation infrastructure Fund Grant administrative services on RFP 20CCP02P. Speaker: Judge Haden/ Danie Blake; Backup: 3; Cost: None
Discussion/Action to approve the procurement on final draft RFP 20CCP03P for Texas Water Development Board Grant for consullant/managcment services. Speaker: Judge Haden/ Danie Blake; Backup: 23; Cost: None
Discussion/Action to approve cf the selection committee list for evaluation of the RFP 20CCP03P Texas Water Development Board Grant for administrative services. Speaker: Judge Haden/ Danie Blake; Backup: 3; Cost: None
Discussion/Action to approve a donation to the Luling Lions Club from rental of Flags. Speaker: Judge Haden; Backup: 3; Cost: $50.00
Discussion/Action to approve the revised contract between the Texas Department of Public Safety and Caldwell County to accommodate Chapter 706 of the Texas Transportation Code. Speaker: Judge Haden/Barbara Gonzales; Backup: None; Cost: None
Discussion/Action to discuss adopting an order permitting the sale of fireworks during the Texas Independence Day period. Speaker: Judge Haden/ Carine Chalfoun; Backup: 3; Cost: None
Discussion/Action to discuss the Old Settler’s Music Festival mass gathering permit proceedings. Speaker: Judge Haden; Backup: 16; Cost: None
Discussion/Action to approve the reappointments for two Commissioners for Emergency Services District (ESD) #2. Speaker; Judge Haden/ Commissioner Theriot; Backup: 2; Cost: None
Discussion/Action to approve the Final Plat for Churchill Ranches Subdivision to include 20 lots on approximately 61.64 acres located on FM 20 and Seals Creek Road (CR 245). Speaker: Commissioner Theriot/ Kasi Miles; Backup: 27; Cost: None
26. EXECUTIVE SESSION Pursuant to section 551.087 of the Texas Government Code; consultation with counsel and deliberation regarding economic development negotiations associated with Project Cali. Possible action may follow in open court. Speaker: Judge Haden/ JJ Wells, Christian Duran; Backup: to be distributed; Cost: None 28. ADJOURNMENT