Call Meetine to Order Invocation. Pledee of Allesiance to the Flaes. Gexas plgdre: Honor the Texas Flag; I pledge allegiance to thee, Texas, one state under God, one and indivisible). Announcements. Items or comments from Court members or staff, Citizens' Comments. At this time any person may speak to Commissioners Court if they have filled out a Caldwell County Commissioners Court Participation Form. Comments will be limited to four (4) minutes per person. No action will be taken on these items and no discussion will be had between the speaker(s) and members of the Court. The Court does retain the right to correct factual inaccuracies made by the speakers. (If longer than 30 minutes, then the balance of comments will continue as the last agenda item of the day).
CONSENT AGENDA. (The following consent items may be acted upon in one motion). 1. Approve payment of County invoices and County Purchase Orders in the amount of $537,418.97; Backup: 38 2. Ratiff re-occurring County Payments A. $312,538.77 (Payroll 03/01/2020 - 03/14/2020) B. $94,120.07 (Payroll Tax 03/01/2020 - 03/14/2020) C. $313,622.63 (Payroll 03/15/2020 - 03/28/2020) D. $94,274.41 (Payroll Tax 03/15/2020 -03/28/2020) 3. Accept the V.G. Young Institute of County Government training certificate for County Judge Hoppy Haden; Backup: 2 4. Accept the V.G. Young Institute of County Government training certificate for Commissioner, Pct. 1, B..1. Westmoreland; Backup: 2 5. To accept the County Judges & Commissioners Association of Texas Commissioners Education Certificate of Completion for B.J. Westmoreland, Commissioner, Pct. 1; Backup:2 6. Accept the V.G. Young Institute of County Govern4rent training certificate for Commissioner, Pct. 2,Barbart Shelton; Backup: 2 7. To approve renewal bond #15768313 for Kasi Miles, Sanitation Director; Backup: 2 8. To accept Adult Probation Pretrial Bond Presentation; Backup: 31 9. To accept the March 2020 Environmental Code Investigator report from Mike Bittner; Backup:3 10. To accept the March 2020 Indigent Cremation Report from Judge Haden.; Backup: 2 11. To accept the March 2020 collection report from the Caldwell County Appraisal District; Backup: 4 12. To accept the March 2020 monthly report from County Extension Agent Aaron McCoy; Backup:3
Letter from Marla R. Johnson, Hays-Caldwell Women's Center Executive Director regarding Child Abuse and Sexual Assault Prevention and Awareness Month.
AGENDA ACTION ITEMS Discussion/Action to approve Budget Amendment# 24 to align reimbursement from the DA Forfeiture Fund to DA machinery and equipment line item. Speaker: Judge Haden; Cost: Net Zero; Backup:7
Discussion/Action to approve Budget Amendment#25 to receive training reimbursement from TAC Spring Training. Speaker: Judge Haden; Cost: Net Zero; Backup: 3
Discussion/Action to approve Budget Amendment#26 to move money from contingency to account 001-6510-4485, FEMA-4485-DR expense line item to track COVID-19 expenses and Non- Departmental, Machinery & Equipment for laptops; Speaker: Judge Haden/ Danie Blake; Cost: $15,343.00; Backup: 17
Discussion/Action to approve Budget Amendment # 27 to move $22,356.00 to Non-Departmental Professional Services for Swagit live captioning contract and515,627.00 to Non- Departmental Computer Support for Tyler Tech maintenance fees from Contingency. Speaker: Judge Haden; Cost: 537,983.00 ; Backup: 6
Discussion/Action to approve Budget Amendment #28 to increase revenue and expenditures in reference to a vehicle claim. Speaker: Judge Haden/ Danie Blake; Cost: Net Zero; Backup: 11
Discussion/Action to approve Budget Amendment#Z9 to move $1,000 from Tax Abatement (001- 6510-4825) to Non-Departmental Office Supplies (001-6510-31 10) for expenses of Caldwell County Community Services Foundation. Speakers: Judge Haden/ Dennis Engelke/ Barbara Gonzales; Cost: $1,000.00; Backup: 3
Discussion/Action to approve Budget Amendment #30 to move $4,163.00 from Tax Abatement, 001-6510-4825,to Non-Departmental Machinery and Equipment (001-6510-5310) for Enterprise Lease payment for Admin vehicle. Speakers: Judge Haden/ Danie Blake; Cost:$4,163.00; Backup: 4
Discussion/Action to approve donation request from Caldwell-Travis Soil and Water Conservation District #304 for fiscal year 2021. (enatmber funds for FY 2021); Speaker: Judge Iladen/ Barbara Gonzales; Cost: $900; Backup: 3
Discussion/Action to ratify the contract between Caldwell County and Visionary Fiber signed on April 1, 2020. Speaker: Judge Haden; Cost: TBD; Backup: 3
Discussion/Action to accept the Texas Infrastructure Resiliency Fund Grant award recovery of specific Hurricane Harvey road projects' local cost share expenses ($67,981.82). Speakers: Judge Iladen/ Dennis Engelke; Cost: Zero; Backup: 14
Discussion/Action to seek approval to pursue the submission of an application to the County Transportation Infrastructure Fund for a minimum grant of $848,543 for road repairs for roads damaged by truck and vehicular equipment traffic resulting from increased energy-sector activity within the County. Speakers: Hoppy Haden/ Dennis Engelke; Cost: None; Backup: 10
Discussion/Action to seek approval of Resolution 17-2020 to adopt the2020-2025 Caldwell County Hazard Mitigation Plan. Speakers: Judge Iladen/ Dennis Engelke; Cost: None; Backup: 3s0
Discussion/Action to request approval to grant the award opportunity to Langford Community Management for RFPCCPO1P Caldwell Counfy GLO CDBG MIT Administrative Services. Speakers: Judge Haden/ Danie Blake; Cost: None; Backup: 16
Discussion/Action to request approval to grant the award opportunity to Langford Community Management for MPCCPO2P Caldwell county TxDOT Grant Funded Project Administrative Services. Speakers: Judge Haden/ Danie Blake; Cost: None; Backup: 2
Discussion/Action to request approval to grant the award opportunity to Langford Community Management for RFPCCP03P Caldwell County TWDB Administrative Services. Speakers: Judge Haden/ Danie Blake; Cost: None; Backup: 18
29. Discussion/Action to approve an Order authorizing the filing of a Final Plat (Replat Procedure) for Austin Skyline, Section 5, a division of Lot 28-A located on Skyline Road. Speakers: Commissioner Theriot/ Kasi Miles; Cost: None; Backup: 13 30. Adjournment.
Call Meetine to Order Invocation. Pledee of Allesiance to the Flaes. Gexas plgdre: Honor the Texas Flag; I pledge allegiance to thee, Texas, one state under God, one and indivisible). Announcements. Items or comments from Court members or staff, Citizens' Comments. At this time any person may speak to Commissioners Court if they have filled out a Caldwell County Commissioners Court Participation Form. Comments will be limited to four (4) minutes per person. No action will be taken on these items and no discussion will be had between the speaker(s) and members of the Court. The Court does retain the right to correct factual inaccuracies made by the speakers. (If longer than 30 minutes, then the balance of comments will continue as the last agenda item of the day).
CONSENT AGENDA. (The following consent items may be acted upon in one motion). 1. Approve payment of County invoices and County Purchase Orders in the amount of $537,418.97; Backup: 38 2. Ratiff re-occurring County Payments A. $312,538.77 (Payroll 03/01/2020 - 03/14/2020) B. $94,120.07 (Payroll Tax 03/01/2020 - 03/14/2020) C. $313,622.63 (Payroll 03/15/2020 - 03/28/2020) D. $94,274.41 (Payroll Tax 03/15/2020 -03/28/2020) 3. Accept the V.G. Young Institute of County Government training certificate for County Judge Hoppy Haden; Backup: 2 4. Accept the V.G. Young Institute of County Government training certificate for Commissioner, Pct. 1, B..1. Westmoreland; Backup: 2 5. To accept the County Judges & Commissioners Association of Texas Commissioners Education Certificate of Completion for B.J. Westmoreland, Commissioner, Pct. 1; Backup:2 6. Accept the V.G. Young Institute of County Govern4rent training certificate for Commissioner, Pct. 2,Barbart Shelton; Backup: 2 7. To approve renewal bond #15768313 for Kasi Miles, Sanitation Director; Backup: 2 8. To accept Adult Probation Pretrial Bond Presentation; Backup: 31 9. To accept the March 2020 Environmental Code Investigator report from Mike Bittner; Backup:3 10. To accept the March 2020 Indigent Cremation Report from Judge Haden.; Backup: 2 11. To accept the March 2020 collection report from the Caldwell County Appraisal District; Backup: 4 12. To accept the March 2020 monthly report from County Extension Agent Aaron McCoy; Backup:3
Letter from Marla R. Johnson, Hays-Caldwell Women's Center Executive Director regarding Child Abuse and Sexual Assault Prevention and Awareness Month.
AGENDA ACTION ITEMS Discussion/Action to approve Budget Amendment# 24 to align reimbursement from the DA Forfeiture Fund to DA machinery and equipment line item. Speaker: Judge Haden; Cost: Net Zero; Backup:7
Discussion/Action to approve Budget Amendment#25 to receive training reimbursement from TAC Spring Training. Speaker: Judge Haden; Cost: Net Zero; Backup: 3
Discussion/Action to approve Budget Amendment#26 to move money from contingency to account 001-6510-4485, FEMA-4485-DR expense line item to track COVID-19 expenses and Non- Departmental, Machinery & Equipment for laptops; Speaker: Judge Haden/ Danie Blake; Cost: $15,343.00; Backup: 17
Discussion/Action to approve Budget Amendment # 27 to move $22,356.00 to Non-Departmental Professional Services for Swagit live captioning contract and515,627.00 to Non- Departmental Computer Support for Tyler Tech maintenance fees from Contingency. Speaker: Judge Haden; Cost: 537,983.00 ; Backup: 6
Discussion/Action to approve Budget Amendment #28 to increase revenue and expenditures in reference to a vehicle claim. Speaker: Judge Haden/ Danie Blake; Cost: Net Zero; Backup: 11
Discussion/Action to approve Budget Amendment#Z9 to move $1,000 from Tax Abatement (001- 6510-4825) to Non-Departmental Office Supplies (001-6510-31 10) for expenses of Caldwell County Community Services Foundation. Speakers: Judge Haden/ Dennis Engelke/ Barbara Gonzales; Cost: $1,000.00; Backup: 3
Discussion/Action to approve Budget Amendment #30 to move $4,163.00 from Tax Abatement, 001-6510-4825,to Non-Departmental Machinery and Equipment (001-6510-5310) for Enterprise Lease payment for Admin vehicle. Speakers: Judge Haden/ Danie Blake; Cost:$4,163.00; Backup: 4
Discussion/Action to approve donation request from Caldwell-Travis Soil and Water Conservation District #304 for fiscal year 2021. (enatmber funds for FY 2021); Speaker: Judge Iladen/ Barbara Gonzales; Cost: $900; Backup: 3
Discussion/Action to ratify the contract between Caldwell County and Visionary Fiber signed on April 1, 2020. Speaker: Judge Haden; Cost: TBD; Backup: 3
Discussion/Action to accept the Texas Infrastructure Resiliency Fund Grant award recovery of specific Hurricane Harvey road projects' local cost share expenses ($67,981.82). Speakers: Judge Iladen/ Dennis Engelke; Cost: Zero; Backup: 14
Discussion/Action to seek approval to pursue the submission of an application to the County Transportation Infrastructure Fund for a minimum grant of $848,543 for road repairs for roads damaged by truck and vehicular equipment traffic resulting from increased energy-sector activity within the County. Speakers: Hoppy Haden/ Dennis Engelke; Cost: None; Backup: 10
Discussion/Action to seek approval of Resolution 17-2020 to adopt the2020-2025 Caldwell County Hazard Mitigation Plan. Speakers: Judge Iladen/ Dennis Engelke; Cost: None; Backup: 3s0
Discussion/Action to request approval to grant the award opportunity to Langford Community Management for RFPCCPO1P Caldwell Counfy GLO CDBG MIT Administrative Services. Speakers: Judge Haden/ Danie Blake; Cost: None; Backup: 16
Discussion/Action to request approval to grant the award opportunity to Langford Community Management for MPCCPO2P Caldwell county TxDOT Grant Funded Project Administrative Services. Speakers: Judge Haden/ Danie Blake; Cost: None; Backup: 2
Discussion/Action to request approval to grant the award opportunity to Langford Community Management for RFPCCP03P Caldwell County TWDB Administrative Services. Speakers: Judge Haden/ Danie Blake; Cost: None; Backup: 18
29. Discussion/Action to approve an Order authorizing the filing of a Final Plat (Replat Procedure) for Austin Skyline, Section 5, a division of Lot 28-A located on Skyline Road. Speakers: Commissioner Theriot/ Kasi Miles; Cost: None; Backup: 13 30. Adjournment.