Call Meeting to Order Invocation. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flags. (Texas Pledge; Honor the Texas Flag; I pledge allegiance to thee, Texas, one state under God, one and indivisible). Announcements. Items or comments from Court members or staff. Citizens' Comments. At this time any person may speak to Commissioners Court if they have filled out a Caldwell County Commissioners Court Participation Form. Comments will be limited to four (4) minutes per person. No action will be taken on these items and no discussion will be had between the speaker(s) and members of the Court. The Court does retain the right to correct factual inaccuracies made by the speakers. (If longer than 30 minutes, then the balance of comments will continue as the last agenda item of the day).
CONSENT AGENDA. (The following consent items may be acted upon in one motion). 1. Approve payment of County invoices and County Purchase Orders in the amount of $303,802.41; Backup: 23 2. Ratify re-occurring County Payments A. $310,211.04 (Payroll 4/12/2020 - 4/25/2020) B. $92,661.01 (Payroll Tax 04/12/2020 - 4/25/2020) C. $172,915.29 (DMV Remittance) D. $27,178.55 (DMV Comptroller) 3. Accept the April 2020 Environmental Code Enforcer report from Mike Bittner; Backup: 3 4. Accept Bond #64656404 for Amy Home at JP2; Backup: 2 5. Accept the April 2020 County Extension Agent Report from Wayne Morse; Backup: 2 6. Accept the Appraisal District Board of Directors audit report for 2019; Backup 37 7. Accept the April 2020 Indigent Burial Report; Backup: 3
Discussion/Action regarding the burn ban. Speaker: Judge Haden / Hector Rangel; Backup: None; Cost: None
Discussion/Action to issue an order allowing retail fireworks permit holders to sell fireworks to the public in celebration of Memorial Day pursuant to Occupations Code Section 2154.202(h). Speaker: Judge Haden/ JJ Wells; Cost: None; Backup: 3
Discussion/Action to approve the early voting hours for the primary run-off elections. Speaker: Judge Haden/ Pamela Ohlendorf; Cost: None; Backup: 3
Discussion/Action to approve proclamation in recognition of May 2020 as Older Americans Month. Speaker: Judge Haden/ Commissioner Shelton; Cost: None; Backup: 2
Discussion/Action to discuss FY 2021 Elected Officials Salaries. Speaker: Judge Haden; Cost: TBD; Backup: 2
Discussion/Action to approve Budget Amendment #35 to receive RW 44257 SCAAP funds for FY 2019 and to align revenue and expenditures. Speaker: Judge Haden/ Barbara Gonzales; Cost: Net Zero; Backup: 5
Discussion/Action to approve Budget Amendment #36 for LEOSE funds referencing Constable Pet. 2, Constable Pet. 3, and Constable Pet. 4. Speaker: Judge Haden/ Barbara Gonzales; Cost: Net Zero; Backup: 11
Discussion/Action to approve Budget Amendment #37 for County Clerk, to move money from training to machinery and equipment for purchase of scanners. Speaker: Judge Haden/ Barbara Gonzales/ Teresa Rodriguez; Cost: Net Zero; Backup: 3
Discussion/Action to approve Budget Amendment #38 to increase the amount budgeted from $18,500 to the $23,212 accepted by CCT on April 28, 2020 for the allocation to Caldwell County of funds distributed by the 2020 Tobacco Settlement Program. Speaker: Judge Haden/ Barbara Gonzales; Cost: Net Zero; Backup: 10
Discussion/Action to determine where to send fees collected for Child Sexual Assault Fund (001-2840). Speaker: Judge Haden/ Barbara Gonzales/ Jan Bower; Cost: None; Backup: 4
Discussion/Action to determine where to send fees collected for Child Safety by Tax Office (001-2345). Speaker: Judge Haden/ Barbara Gonzales/Jan Bower; Cost: None; Backup: 15
Discussion/Action to determine where to send fees collected for Child Safety in School Zones and ISD Parent Fine (001-2340 and 001-2845). Speaker: Judge Haden/ Barbara Gonzales/ Jan Bower; Cost: None; Backup: 6
Discussion/Action to request approval of the revised Caldwell county Purchasing Manager Job description. Speaker: Judge Haden/ Danie Blake; Cost: None; Backup: 14
Discussion/Action to approve the award to H&H Enterprises the contract opportunity for RFB 20CCP01B for annual mowing maintenance for Caldwell County right-of-ways. Speaker: Judge Haden/ Danie Blake; Cost: $124,992.00; Backup: 41
Discussion/Action to approve the solicit request for qualification (RFQ) for professional engineering services for Caldwell County on GLO-CDBG-MIT grant funded projects. Speaker: Judge Haden/Danie Blake; Cost: None; Backup: 57
Discussion/Action to approve the solicit request for qualifications (RFQ) for professional engineering services for Caldwell County on Texas Water Development Board grant funded projects. Speaker: Judge Haden/ Danie Blake; Cost: None; Backup: 23
Discussion/Action to approve the solicit request for qualifications (RFQ) for professional engineering services for Caldwell County on TxDOT grant funded projects. Speaker: Judge Haden/ Danie Blake; Cost: None; Backup: 17
Discussion/Action to approve Resolution 19-2020, extending and continuing the State of Disaster within Caldwell County. Speaker: Judge Haden/ JJ Wells; Cost: None; Backup: 2
26. EXECUTIVE SESSION Pursuant to section 551.087 for the Texas Government Code; discussion or deliberation regarding economic development negotiations associated with Project Cali. Possible action may follow in open court. Speaker: Judge Haden/ JJ Wells/ Christian Duran; Cost: None; Backup: 1 27. Adjournment.
Call Meeting to Order Invocation. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flags. (Texas Pledge; Honor the Texas Flag; I pledge allegiance to thee, Texas, one state under God, one and indivisible). Announcements. Items or comments from Court members or staff. Citizens' Comments. At this time any person may speak to Commissioners Court if they have filled out a Caldwell County Commissioners Court Participation Form. Comments will be limited to four (4) minutes per person. No action will be taken on these items and no discussion will be had between the speaker(s) and members of the Court. The Court does retain the right to correct factual inaccuracies made by the speakers. (If longer than 30 minutes, then the balance of comments will continue as the last agenda item of the day).
CONSENT AGENDA. (The following consent items may be acted upon in one motion). 1. Approve payment of County invoices and County Purchase Orders in the amount of $303,802.41; Backup: 23 2. Ratify re-occurring County Payments A. $310,211.04 (Payroll 4/12/2020 - 4/25/2020) B. $92,661.01 (Payroll Tax 04/12/2020 - 4/25/2020) C. $172,915.29 (DMV Remittance) D. $27,178.55 (DMV Comptroller) 3. Accept the April 2020 Environmental Code Enforcer report from Mike Bittner; Backup: 3 4. Accept Bond #64656404 for Amy Home at JP2; Backup: 2 5. Accept the April 2020 County Extension Agent Report from Wayne Morse; Backup: 2 6. Accept the Appraisal District Board of Directors audit report for 2019; Backup 37 7. Accept the April 2020 Indigent Burial Report; Backup: 3
Discussion/Action regarding the burn ban. Speaker: Judge Haden / Hector Rangel; Backup: None; Cost: None
Discussion/Action to issue an order allowing retail fireworks permit holders to sell fireworks to the public in celebration of Memorial Day pursuant to Occupations Code Section 2154.202(h). Speaker: Judge Haden/ JJ Wells; Cost: None; Backup: 3
Discussion/Action to approve the early voting hours for the primary run-off elections. Speaker: Judge Haden/ Pamela Ohlendorf; Cost: None; Backup: 3
Discussion/Action to approve proclamation in recognition of May 2020 as Older Americans Month. Speaker: Judge Haden/ Commissioner Shelton; Cost: None; Backup: 2
Discussion/Action to discuss FY 2021 Elected Officials Salaries. Speaker: Judge Haden; Cost: TBD; Backup: 2
Discussion/Action to approve Budget Amendment #35 to receive RW 44257 SCAAP funds for FY 2019 and to align revenue and expenditures. Speaker: Judge Haden/ Barbara Gonzales; Cost: Net Zero; Backup: 5
Discussion/Action to approve Budget Amendment #36 for LEOSE funds referencing Constable Pet. 2, Constable Pet. 3, and Constable Pet. 4. Speaker: Judge Haden/ Barbara Gonzales; Cost: Net Zero; Backup: 11
Discussion/Action to approve Budget Amendment #37 for County Clerk, to move money from training to machinery and equipment for purchase of scanners. Speaker: Judge Haden/ Barbara Gonzales/ Teresa Rodriguez; Cost: Net Zero; Backup: 3
Discussion/Action to approve Budget Amendment #38 to increase the amount budgeted from $18,500 to the $23,212 accepted by CCT on April 28, 2020 for the allocation to Caldwell County of funds distributed by the 2020 Tobacco Settlement Program. Speaker: Judge Haden/ Barbara Gonzales; Cost: Net Zero; Backup: 10
Discussion/Action to determine where to send fees collected for Child Sexual Assault Fund (001-2840). Speaker: Judge Haden/ Barbara Gonzales/ Jan Bower; Cost: None; Backup: 4
Discussion/Action to determine where to send fees collected for Child Safety by Tax Office (001-2345). Speaker: Judge Haden/ Barbara Gonzales/Jan Bower; Cost: None; Backup: 15
Discussion/Action to determine where to send fees collected for Child Safety in School Zones and ISD Parent Fine (001-2340 and 001-2845). Speaker: Judge Haden/ Barbara Gonzales/ Jan Bower; Cost: None; Backup: 6
Discussion/Action to request approval of the revised Caldwell county Purchasing Manager Job description. Speaker: Judge Haden/ Danie Blake; Cost: None; Backup: 14
Discussion/Action to approve the award to H&H Enterprises the contract opportunity for RFB 20CCP01B for annual mowing maintenance for Caldwell County right-of-ways. Speaker: Judge Haden/ Danie Blake; Cost: $124,992.00; Backup: 41
Discussion/Action to approve the solicit request for qualification (RFQ) for professional engineering services for Caldwell County on GLO-CDBG-MIT grant funded projects. Speaker: Judge Haden/Danie Blake; Cost: None; Backup: 57
Discussion/Action to approve the solicit request for qualifications (RFQ) for professional engineering services for Caldwell County on Texas Water Development Board grant funded projects. Speaker: Judge Haden/ Danie Blake; Cost: None; Backup: 23
Discussion/Action to approve the solicit request for qualifications (RFQ) for professional engineering services for Caldwell County on TxDOT grant funded projects. Speaker: Judge Haden/ Danie Blake; Cost: None; Backup: 17
Discussion/Action to approve Resolution 19-2020, extending and continuing the State of Disaster within Caldwell County. Speaker: Judge Haden/ JJ Wells; Cost: None; Backup: 2
26. EXECUTIVE SESSION Pursuant to section 551.087 for the Texas Government Code; discussion or deliberation regarding economic development negotiations associated with Project Cali. Possible action may follow in open court. Speaker: Judge Haden/ JJ Wells/ Christian Duran; Cost: None; Backup: 1 27. Adjournment.